chapter eight

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Robin Buckley liked Rory Henderson, that wasn't supposed to happen. Thing is, they were similar. Robin liked music to drown out loud noises and they watched the same films and complained about the same people. Robin was ear piercings, fake tattoos with biro pens and hair dye boxes she'd never used, cut her own hair and bought pins to cover an array of denim jackets. She liked button up shirts and feeling tall, drinks with ice and capybaras. Everyone liked Robin when they got to know her and Rory was no exception.

Steve had cornered Robin before work on Saturday and pulled her behind the side of a video store. Robin had protested loudly and upon seeing the girl behind the counter with her curly hair and silver skull earrings, she wanted to ask too many questions about why the fuck Steve hadn't told her that there was a hot girl working at Scoops.

"I've made a lot of mistakes in my life but this is by far the worst" Steve hissed and Robin smiled because she loved when Steve screwed up.

"Who is she?" Robin asked, "you fancy her don't you?"

"That is Dustin's older sister, Rory"

"As in... the one who left him, the one he hates?" Robin gasped, "who hired her?"

"I did" Steve whined, "I did and I'm such an idiot but I saw her and she was just... hot. You saw her Robin"

"Yeah I know she's hot" Robin stated, "she's like textbook hot. Like the kinda girl you shouldn't want to date hot which makes her more indefinitely and utterly—"

"Robin I get it" Steve cursed, "I called her up, her interview was terrible Robin, terrible and it's clear she didn't even want the job. She was definitely under the impression I'd never give her the job because I shouldn't have! Because I'm supposed to be Dustin's best friend, number one supporter, A-star babysitter and that guy, that Steve Harrington would never do this!"

"But you did" Robin smirked, "because you thought she was hot... that is so junior year Steve Harrington"

"I know" Steve groaned, "I had to lie to Dustin"

"I'm sure you didn't have to" Robin leant on the wall, "you chose to save yourself, what a pitiful man you are"

"You have to help me Robin" Steve gestured wildly, "we have to collectively fire her or... make her feel hated enough to quit"

"I'm not getting involved, this is your mess" Robin frowned, "Steve, you're an idiot like a proper idiot and I would love to help you out of this terribly horrible crisis you've fallen into but I don't even know her"

"She left Dustin!"

"Ok so immediately I don't want to like her" Robin spoke softly, "but I'm also a stupid fast talking mess around people I find attractive so chances are I'm gonna end up liking her"

Robin did in fact end up liking her. She didn't want to necessarily. Dustin was a great kid who although definitely strange and really bad at Spanish was sweet and a bit of a weirdo like her. They both enjoyed never ending story and scooby doo and Dustin liked talking about his girlfriend which was sweet. Suzie sounded perfect for him and Dustin was one of a kind. There was no kid like him anywhere in the world, Robin was positive of that.

So why some eyeliner wearing, sarcastic sister would walk out on such a treasure made Robin confused. Rory wasn't like anyone she'd met before, intimidating yet weirdly easy to talk to. She didn't talk about Dustin and other than the curls they didn't look alike. Dustin looked more like his mom but Robin guessed that Rory looked like their dad. Split made sense in that direction. She had a sloped jaw that held strength without a square like stance and she had a beauty mark on the left side of her face. Her eyelashes were clumpy, she didn't take her makeup off properly and she carried around lip balm with her but the flavourless kind that came in a metal tin. She always showed up in uniform but got changed before she went home and her collection of jumpers was astonishing, all of them ugly in a soft and slightly charming way.

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