Azura and dad's visit

Start from the beginning

"hi Luke, this is my twin sister, Azura and that is my father" Rory introduced Azura and Christopher, Luke seemed to tence when he saw Christopher but still greeted the two new comers. "Ok I will bring you two you Coffee" Luke said not even bothering to ask them what they want already knowing them for many years to know what they would want. "He's cute mum" Azura said smirking at Lorelai you'se eyes winded in shock. Rory also seemed to be in shock while Christopher was jealous and gently hit Azura at the back of her head. "Azura! no! don't even go there" Christopher said not even wanting to know what Azura was implaying. When Luke came to give them there Coffee he asked Christopher what they wanted, "Can I have salad thanks and my father would have somthing bitter like his soul" Azura orded for both her and her father. Luke nodded his head and then went to get the food ready for the two, once he had left Christopher looked at Azura "bitter like his soul, what the hell Zura" Christopher laughed, knowing that Azura was just joking around with him. Soon later the phone wnet off and Christopher answered the phone with Lorelai trying to get hi off pointing to the no pho ne sign on the wall.

Lorelai soon stopped realising that it was her mother that called Christopher and knowing her mother Christopher would hvafe to answer her calls. After a while it turns out that they had to go to dinner with the both the Gilmore elders and the Hayden Elders. Azura sighed, knowing that this would not end well especially since her more dominant grandparents in her life hates Lorelai with every fibre of their beings.

The four of them are now at the Gilmore residence. Azura was dress to impress knowing that her paternal grandparents would demand it. She also had curled her hair in the most beautiful way. Of course since Rory had never met the Haydens she does'nt know how to dress in front of them. "I have to he my parents" Christopher sighed after Lorelai had sighed making Azura stiffle a laugh earning a wink from her father as Lorelai opened the door with a key. "Wait, Emily gave you a key" Azura asked looking at her father who also had a look of shock. Lorelai then told them that ther parents gave it to her and she didn't want t waste any more time with her parents then needed to. As soon as they had entered the masion, Emily got starteled by her daughter just entering her house. "God Lorelai, you scared me" Emily said and started to make a fuss over that Lorelai still doesn't use a doorbell eventhough she was given by her parents.

However, when the snarking upperclass woman set sight of her other granddaughter and her father her attatude was lifted. "Christopher!, oh Azura you look stunning, we must show your grandpa" Emily said grabbing the younger twins arm and dragging her over to where Richard was. "Richard look, oh look how stunning Azura had become"Emily boasted, Richard smiled at his youngest grandchild. Richard had compelemented how beautiful Azura had gotten and then greeted Christopher with open arms after greating his daughter and Rory. "Rory gets a Hi, I get a Lorelai and Azura gets gushed over and Christopher gets a full greeting?" Lorlelai said shocked that her own father would do that to her. They were sitting the living room with both Azura and Rory sitting next to each with their parents on each other's left. "So, Christopher, hows the Business your running i heard doing spendedntly Richard said" This made Christopher start to play with his tie nerveriously, earning curious looks from both Lorelai and Rory but Azura grabed and squeezed his had in a comforting way. "Yes grandpa, it's doing splendedly however, Dad has to leave Hartford to see if his workers are acuallu doing what they are surpose to be doing" Azura swiftly said making Christopher silienlty sigh isn relief and kissed her on the head in thanks.

Before Emily could open her mouth to suggest that Azura could stay at their house when the door bell signifying that the other guests had just arrived. "OO their here" Emily said cheefuly as her and Richard went to greet them. Rory was scared to meet her other grandparents for the first time. She had voiced how she doesn't know how to greet them and her parents told them to avoid calling them anything but Azura said to call the grandfather and Grandmother to their faces. However Rory was just yo nervious to do that. When the elders had entered the living room, all four of them stood up and Azura walked over to her grandparents. "Grandmother, grandfather" Azura greeted and hugged them. Rory could see that their other grandparents were delighted to see Azura. They also greeted her and Azura's parents and her but they looked at her and their mother like they were dothing but dust under their shoes. "We are very pleased to here about Christopher success" Richard complemented making Struab hum not pleased and made an ass remark about it.

Rory was dumbfounded at how snobish she other grandfather was. "Grandfather, dad id doing his best" Azura cut in and defended their father. Rory was shocked to se her snobish rude grandparents turn their attention to her and started asking her questions that she just made her shout leave her alone but she couldn't as Azura was their only granddaughter in their eyes. "mmm, and how are you going with your studies young lady any subjects that you need tutoring?" Straub asked looking to Azura's eye's. Rory was amzed that Azura was not even phased at the scary glaze and said that she didn't need tutoring as of now since she hasn't started yet Chilton yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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