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Cooper had just come back from his parents' house. He had had some difficulties visiting them as he had too many classes and College was currently kicking his ass. Luckily for him he had straight A's and didn't really need to worry about his grades as much as he did. 

He just wanted his parents to be proud. 

Cooper knew that, his entire life, the two tried to be as good as they could. They both had their mental struggles to this day but the strawberry blond knew that and helped them as much as they helped him. They had each others' backs. 

Their lives were simple but they loved it.

Cooper, after driving back to campus, walked all the way to his teacher's office so that they could discuss his latest work he had handed over a week ago. This was supposed to be counting as half of the final grade in this teacher's subject and the strawberry blond had been having a lot of difficulties with it. No matter how hard he tried on this paper, it never seemed enough for the man. 

It was exhausting, having to redo the same work over and over and over again just because of one tiny thing that messed everything up. He had spent countless sleepless nights working on it and he had to redo it five times already. Cooper was really getting sick of it. He finally reached the office and knocked on the door, hearing the man give him permission to enter before twisting the doorknob and stepping in.

"Mr Brown." his teacher greeted as he eyed who was coming in. His voice indicated he was not pleased and Cooper already knew what was to come. "Please have a seat."

"I'd rather not." he replied as politely as he could. The man arched a brow at this but nodded once, brushing the matter off before looking at his computer screen, his glasses reflecting Cooper's paper which the man was looking at. 

"Now, Mr Brown," the man started, not looking at the blond at all. "I've lost count of how many times we've gone over this." he said and Cooper clenched his jaw. "You are usually the top of my class but this paper seemed to be giving you quite the trouble. You are the only one struggling to give me something half decent, Mr Brown, and I have to admit I am very disappointed in you."

"I've tried my best her-"

"Well 'your best' is clearly far from enough." the teacher interrupted Cooper's attempt at defending himself and the blond's hands formed fists by his sides. "This is sloppy. Nothing works. I even believe it is worse than what you had handed to me the week prior. It is filled with grammar mistakes, ones which you should not be making at your age, and the way you've been presenting your ideas is very messy. We don't understand a single thing. It's given me more than one headache." the man complained and the blond snapped.

"Do you have any idea how many hours I've worked on this?" he spat, the man looking up at Cooper expressionless. "I've stayed up all night more times than I care to admit. I have had freaking nosebleeds over this and you have the nerves to tell me all this after forcing me to redo it five times?!" he exclaimed in disbelief and outrage. "With all do respect sir, fuck this shit!" he spat. "I won't do it all over again. I don't even care about the grade anymore. Fail me all you want. I've done a good job. At least I know that and my parents know that and that's all I truly care about. To be honest I even outdone myself on this one so I apologise if you find that to be a bad paper but I won't be redoing it for a sixth time. I'm done." Cooper said before turning around to leave.

"Mr Brown." the teacher stopped him. "Congratulations," he said and Cooper turned to face him with a confused frown. "You've just gotten yourself an A." he said and the blond was completely lost.


"The subject of this paper was 'Self worth'" he recalled and smiled when realisation showed on the blond's face. "Your very first work was already great but I do agree with you, you've outdone yourself on this paper. This is incredible work, Mr Brown. The best I've seen in years, actually. Well done." the teacher said with a small smile. "But what I truly wanted was for my students to know what their true self-worth was. That they knew what they were capable of and not just accept constant unfounded criticism just because I'm the teacher." he explained and with that Cooper left, stunned as he walked back to his car. 

The blond didn't know how to feel. He wanted to be happy but all he could come up with was half drained of energy and half fucking pissed off. How dare he? He had lost so much time on this. Cooper let out a grunt of frustration, slamming his hands on his steering wheel before putting on his seatbelt and driving to a nearby coffee shop. But as he got out of his car and reached for the door, someone walked out and they collided. 

"Bloody hell!" Cooper gasped loudly as the hot drink the other person had in hand splashed all over his chest, drenching his white t-shirt with coffee. 

"Oops, sorry cutie." the blond heard and he looked up from his wet shirt to glare heatedly at the stranger who happened to be a very well known student on campus. The kind of student people wonder how he is even still allowed to stay with how much shit he pulls off every day. 


The complete opposite of Cooper.

Cliché I know.

Hunter was taller than Cooper and had broad shoulders which made him seem more intimidating than most guys their age. He had his usual black leather jacket on and his dark messy hair was messier than Cooper was used to seeing. Tattoos were peeking out of Hunter's shirt, crawling over his neck and his tattooed hands were holding the empty coffee cup for one and the door opened for the other as he eyed Cooper with a cocky smirk.

He really shouldn't be allowed to be this attractive.

Yet, here he stood.

But Cooper was pissed.

"You stupid bitch." he growled out as his glare never left the smug face above him. "Don't fucking call me that."

"Ooh," Hunter chuckled teasingly. "such naughty words in such a tasty looking mouth."

"Shut up." Cooper spat as he tugged on his shirt so that it wouldn't be sticking to his skin as much. "You owe me a shirt."

"And you owe me a coffee, pretty." Hunter retorted, which had the blond's jaw to clench in anger. 

"Don't call me that. And I don't owe you shit." he replied heatedly. "You could've shuckin' burnt me, asshole. Pay attention to your surroundings next time and you won't end up with an empty cup." the blond told him and Hunter laughed. 

"You're funny, I like you." the brunette said with an amused glint to his mischievous eyes. "It's a shame I have to leave." he smiled, eyeing the blond's chest through the now see through white shirt and biting his lip. "Really is a shame. I expect you to bring me another coffee tomorrow morning, first period." Hunter said, leaving Cooper speechless for a moment as he stared back at the brunette in astonishment.

"Excuse me?"

"Apology accepted." Hunter teased as he bent down, picking up Cooper's car keys which the blond hadn't realised he had dropped in the first place, and placed them in the blond's hand. Hunter's fingers left Cooper's to brush up the blond's arm gently as he leaned to place his lips to the other's ear. "Bye bye, Cooper." and with that, he left.


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