chapter 14: alone with Esdeath and return to DxD

Start from the beginning

Esdeath: you seem to know why there are so many danger beasts. I'll show you our torture room

??: I'm not into that. Before I finish you, I have to clean out a big toy! He pulled a weird spinner

??: Teigu Shambala! Activate!

A purple flame circle surrounds them and then they get teleported somewhere else.

With Y/n and Esdeath:


After that guy used his teigu, we were on an Island. Damn, why Fate made me stay alone with HER!!

Y/n: w-WHAT THE FUCK!?!?

Y/n: Esdeath... punch my stomach

Esdeath: Y/n... I wasn't expecting you had such preferences, we are definitely made for each other

Y/n: is not that! Maybe this is just a dream and if we feel pain we will wake up

Esdeath: ok then. Get ready

I closed my eyes waiting, but instead she kissed me.

Esdeath: is not a dream. Sensations are too much real. The smell of the ocean, the breeze and humidity, everything is definitely real.

Y/n: what do you think is happened

Esdeath: is definitely the ability of him. In the capifal there are 48 weapons knowed as Teigu. Some of them are powerful enough to manipulate the spacetime.

Y/n: amazing...

Esdeath: now, let's check where are we.

She made an ice pillar lifting both of us

Y/n: we're in the middle of the ocean

Esdeath: the view is surely beautiful. Somehow, looks like we're on a date

Y/n: you're very calm

Esdeath: the power of teigus is beyond immagination. You must be relaxes

Ghidorah: compared to sacred gears, teigus are nothing

Esdeath: back to before: this is like a date isnt it?

Y/n: hold on

Suddenly we see an enormus danger beast who looks like Stylish after his transformation

Esdeath: a giant danger beast? How dare you interrupt my date. Grand Horn!

She created a big ice horns who damaged it. Her fighting style is cool

Esdeath: you survived? You'll be skewered then. Weiss Schnabel!!

She creates many huge ice blades skewered it. I then ran to the weak point and with two slashes I reduced the weak part to pieces killing the beast

Esdeath's mind: I wanted to show you my strenght, but you showed to me your

Something punches the pillar

Y/n: another one?

Esdeath: I'll kill it. Hagel Sprung

She creates a HUUUUGE ice ball crushing the danger beast

The rest of the day we went hunting animals, analize the place and more. She then removed her jacket, showing her huge breast who was larger than I thought. This made me blush. I have to admit it. This wasn't bad

Y/n: time passed really fast today

Esdeath: but it was funny wasn't it

Y/n: yeah...

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