Halloween Night

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Halloween special cuz its currently October first and its like my second favorite holiday :))


It was around 7:30 and Steve was driving around picking up all the kids to drop them off for trick or treating. "Alright, you guys meet back here at 9:00 or you're all-" "Dead." The kids cut him off. "Exactly, now go have fun." The kids got out the car and started running from house to house. 'What should I do now...'


After about a 20 minute drive Steve showed up at some party a kid from his school was throwing. 'Let's hope it's as great as everyone says it is.' Steve walked up to the door the sound of music hitting his ears. He walked in side instantly smelling the overpriced alcohol. Steve walked to the kitchen and started taking a few shots before he went to dance.


There could be yelling and cheering heard from outside. Steve went to go check it out to see Billy getting off the keg stand. "THAT'S A NEW RECORD!" Tommy H could be heard yelling way too loudly. As Billy was walking away from the keg stand his eyes landed on Steve. "Well, well, well look who we have here." Billy said as he walked towards Steve with that all to familiar smirk on his face. Steve rolled his eyes. "What do you want Hargrove." "Nothing, I just need to have a little talk with you privately." "And why can't you just tell me right here?" "You'll see.." Billy said as he grabbed Steves wrist and dragged him to one of the bedrooms upstairs where it was quieter. "Billy, where are you going?!" Tommy could be heard yelling as they walked away even so Billy just ignored him and kept walking.


Billy found an empty room on the second floor a pulled Steve inside locking the door behind him. "What the hell do you want-" Steve was cut off as lips were being smashed against his and he was being pinned to the wall. Steve just stood there shocked before he melted into the kiss. Billy pulled away and looked Steve in the eyes. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that pretty boy.." Steve stared right back into Billy's eyes before pulling him into another kiss. It was Billy's turn to be shocked. Before they knew it they were on the bed shirtless the make out session getting more and more heated.


A few hours later Steve woke up in an unfamiliar bed naked. Steve looked around before his eyes landed on the male that was asleep next to him. Steve almost jumped out of bed and then he felt a sharp pain running up his back. "What the hell..." Then Steve remembered what had happened that night. He blushed a deep shade of red and buried his face in his hands. Then he slowly got up and pulled his clothes on. He reached into his back pocket pulling his phone out. (Yes lets just say that they have phones) Then Steve started to panic. The time on his phone read '8:50' He knew he was about 20 minutes away from where he was supposed to meet the kids. He hurried around the room looking for his keys before he found them he was about to leave the room when he heard a voice from behind him. "Leaving so soon?" Steve could hear some disappointment in Billy's voice. "I have to go pick up the kids at 9 and the drive is like 20 minutes." "Wait for me I'll be there in a second." Steve was confused before he saw Billy getting out the bed to get dressed. Billy walked up to Steve and gave him a quick kiss before unlocking the door and walking into the hallway. "You coming Harington?" Billy smirked at the blushing boy that was still standing at the door with a puzzled look. "Ye- Yeah..." Steve was clearly still confused will the whole situation but still walked out the room following Billy down the stairs and out the door. Steve and Billy drove off in their respective cars Billy following close behind Steve as they sped off to the spot where Steve was picking up his children. Steve and Billy got there just in time as they saw the kids walking over to the cars. As Max was about to get into Stevs car completely ignoring Billy she heard him call her over. She groaned ampnd walked over to Billy's car and got in. "What do you want." Billy sat there for a second like he was unsure of what to say which confused Max because Billy always knew what to say. She finally looked over at him and he looked confused or even scared? "Did something happen?" Max sounded genuinely concerned at the state of her usually confident brother with a scared look on his face. "Look Max, I know I haven't been the nicest and you don't particularly like me but I really need your help." Billy said looking over at Max but still avoiding eye contact. "With what? And why should I even help you anyways." Billy sat there for a second for a second before blurting out "I really, really like Steve and I wanted you to help me ask him out." Billy talked fast, almost to fast for Max to even understand. Max considered for a second before she said "How do I know you actually even like Steve? And again what do I even get out of this?" Billy was a little shocked that Max had considered to even help him but after some bribery and some persuasion Max finally agreed to help Billy with his crush of his. "Ok first we need a plan but let's discuss more when we get home." "Alright, yeah let's do that, and also do not mention this to any of your little friends, got it?." "Yeah, yeah I understand." Finally Billy started the car and drove of to their house.


Ok but I actually really like this, idk why but I feel lie, it's better that my other stories so far, what do you guys think? Also sorry for not updating I know it's been awhile. Also I didn't proof read or anything and it is late so sorry of there are any spelling errors
Word count: 1056

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