I went through all the photos and I laughed at a few that I took on the staircase because of how obvious she was in the middle. But I had a solid bunch of photos and I quickly got to editing them for my followers. I added my small watermark on all of the ones that I was going to post and I uploaded them to Instagram and Twitter.

Rosé's POV

Blossoming Rose just posted!

I saw the notification pop up on my phone as I sat in the van heading back to my apartment. I quickly tapped it and it brought me to their Instagram page. I smiled seeing the photos of me that they posted, which were no surprise amazing. I swiped through them and chuckled to myself seeing the ones where I was in the middle of the crowd. I glanced down at the caption that read, 'The beautiful Rosé shining above all'. It was a sweet caption and I appreciated the fact that they called me shining.

One thing I always noticed was that all their photos of me were from a distance. They were never up in my space along with the other fans, they were always on the sidelines. They never shoved their camera in my face and I silently appreciated that. They were respectful in that aspect and since they were always at a distance, the photos were always different than everyone else's photos.

But I wanted to know who this damn person was.

They were one of my first fansites, along with Récord and First Love. I know both of those people, yet I don't know who Blossoming Rose is. The only thing I got going for me is that they might be foreign because their captions are always in English. Récord and First Love both do Korean, so maybe they aren't originally from here. Also Blossoming Rose's bio is in English, so that must be their first language.

I took notice of the angles that were taken of me and I closed my eyes, drawing a mental map of the airport in my mind to figure out where they were at. I was able to figure out that they were over near the chairs on my far right and then they must've been on the stairs to get the crowd shots.

I sighed to myself as I missed yet another chance to try and catch a glimpse of them.

One of these times, I'll see someone in the distance with a camera in the airports or wherever I am, and it'll be them. But that time will have to come later this month when I'm flying out to LA where a Tiffany & Co. event is being held. I saw another notification pop up on my phone and saw that Jennie had sent me a screenshot of the post I had just seen. I chuckled and replied to her.

Me: trust me Nini, i
already saw it

Nini: ofc u did bc
ur obsessed w them
and u wanna know
who they are

Me: stfu

All the girls know that I want to figure out who this mystery person is because the photos that they take of me are sometimes even better than the ones I do for professional photoshoots. They always tease me whenever I'm in the van after walking through the airport, all annoyed because I didn't find anyone off to the side with a camera.

I went back to Instagram and changed over to my main account, searching up Blossoming Rose and reposting the new post of me on my story. I've done that a few times with their posts and it makes me smile when I see their following stories freaking the fuck out I noticed them again. I put my phone away as we arrived at my apartment building and I was super excited to see Hankie again. Alice was watching him for the few days I was gone, so I need to get back to his #1 before I leave for LA.

"Hankie!" I said in a high pitched voice as soon as I walked through my door. I heard his paws running towards me down the hallway and soon he appeared around the corner, making me smile widely. I sat down on the floor and pet him and laughed as he licked my face multiple times. I heard Alice's footsteps coming down the hall and she soon emerged,

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