Tattoos (everyone & everyone)

Start from the beginning

Bose nods when he sees it before gripping her hand tightly as he sits in the chair. The artist walks over to him and smiles holding out their hand for a handshake. They can't be much older than Bose with dyed green hair and five or six facial piercings.

"Hey kid, your friend here tells me the rest of you are scared of needles so I promise I'll try to be quick. Is there anything I could do to make you less nervous?"

Bose's hand is trembling lightly when he grabs their's but he plasters on a warm smile anyways, "Can you just like, walk me through what you're doing I guess?" he feels stupid as the words leave his mouth but the artist nods reassuringly, "Yeah, of course, I'm Dae by the way. You're Bose right?" Bose nods and tries to get more comfortable in the chair.

"Okay to start with I'm just going to shave some of the hair off your ankle where you want the tattoo okay?" Bose nods and looks away as they do their thing. "Alright now you're going to hear a buzzing as I start my machine," the buzzing is louder than Bose was expecting causing him to jump a little, Chapa laughs at him but keeps holding his hand.

"Now I'm going to get some ink and start on outlining the D okay? You should feel a stinging sensation, if it gets to be too much just let me know and I'll stop okay?"

Bose nods from where he's still staring at Chapa, firmly away from the needle he's about to let enter his skin. He flinches a bit as he feels it come into contact but settles after a minute when he realizes the tattoo artist was right, it's a light stinging but nothing too bad.

After a few moments they speak again, "Okay I'm going to get some more ink and add the F and then go back and touch up some lines," Bose nods at them and focuses on keeping his breathing even.

"Alright I'm about to start again so please hold still for me." Bose does as he's told keeping completely still, barely breathing.

Dae laughs lightly, "You don't have to be that still kid, you can relax," Bose laughs in embarrassment and deliberately relaxes some, next to him Chapa rolls her eyes again.

In no time at all Dae click the tattoo gun off, "Alright you're all done." "What really?"Bose questions incredulously. Dae nods and turns to Chapa, "Wanna go get another one of your little friends for me? I need to get a drink and a snack real quick."

Chapa nods before turning to Bose with a glare, "Stay right here." Bose squeaks out a, "Yes ma'am." and Chapa leaves.

Dae walks back in about five minutes later with water and a half-empty bag of chips, "Chapa still not back yet?" Bose shakes his head, "No, I'll go check on her." Dae nods and waves him on so Bose walks to the front room where he has to pause to blink in shock.

Chapa has Miles in a headlock while Mika watches on in horror, when Chapa catches sight of Bose she snaps at him, "Help me carry him!" Stuttering Bose does as he's told before asking, "What is going on ?"

Miles huffs before answering, "I really want this stupid tattoo but I keep chickening out before I can get it so I asked Chapa to help me get there." Bose nods at this as though having to wrestle your friend into getting a tattoo is a common occurrence. They start pushing him down the hall while Mika follows in disbelief.

Dae blinks when they take notice of all of them but says nothing. "Okay, this is going to sound weird but will you be able to tattoo while we hold Miles' arms down?" Chapa questions.

Dae blinks at them incredulously again before responding, "Uh it's going to depend on where he wants the tattoo." They all turn to Miles snickering as he squirms. "I want it on my shoulder," he admits.

Dae hums, "Could you just hold his hands instead?" Chapa and Bose look at each other before nodding. "Alright, Miles, is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?" Miles takes a quick glance at the tattoo gun before swallowing, "Don't tell me anything. Just surprise me." Dae nods and pats their chair, "Alright get on up here."

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