Summer Camp is Overrated

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"And that's the end!" Luz Noceda cheerfully exclaimed, doll in one hand and a live snake in the other.

"The end of what?" Said Camila Noceda confusedly.

"My book report." Replied Luz as the snake in her hand bit the doll. "I think I knocked it out of the park."

"Your book report is why you're in here." Principal Hal tiredly said while gesturing to the students panicking out in the hall with some being attacked by snakes.

"So that's where the backup snakes went."

"And what were you going to do with this?" Camila held up a bundle of fireworks.

"That was for the act three closer." Luz admitted guilty looking down at her lap.

Camila knelt down in front of Luz and took her face into her hands.

"Mija, I love your creativity but it has gotten out of hand. Do you remember why you were in the principle office the last three times?"

"Yes, I do." Images of sausage links, spiders, and screaming cheerleaders briefly passed through Luz's mind.

"We love that you express yourself, but if you can't learn to separate fantasy from reality, you may need to spend the summer here." Camila pulled a pamphlet from her purse labeled 'Reality Check Summer Camp' with a boy in a box on the cover.

Putting her doll down, Luz reached over and took the pamphlet and started to read it silently, the snake still clutched in her hand.

"Well if that is all we have to discuss why don't we go home and enjoy the wonderful homework Mrs. Drezzle assigned, I'll meet you in the car." A voice from the left of Luz spoke.

"Hold on Percy, we still have to talk about why you're here." Principle Hal said sternly, his eye trained on the black-haired teen in front of him.

"I told you, I have nothing to do with that water fountain breaking and dousing the football team!" Percy exclaimed loudly his arms in the air for emphasis.

Principal Hal gave him a look of disbelief.

"Really? Then how is it that you are completely dry when the whole football team, even the ones not present during the incident are soaked?"

Percy crossed his arms across his chest and looked down to the side

"Well, maybe they got wet because they're jerks that deserved it."

Principle Hal pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Percy I appreciate everything you've done for the school swim team in the short time you've been with us, but if you keep having incidents like this I'll have to-"

Percy cut him off before he could finish

"What expel me, go ahead, it wouldn't be the first time I've been expelled for something that's not my fault."

"I was going to say remove you from the swim team, why on earth would I expel you?"

Percy looked confused.

"Because that's how it always goes. Something happens, I get blamed and expelled, then we-I have to find a new school."

Luz looked up from her pamphlet curiously.

"Percy what are the names of your old schools, they shouldn't have expelled you like that!" Camila said concernedly.

"It's fine, it was a while ago. Thank you Principle Hal for being so generous."

"You don't have to thank me. Now why don't you both wait outside for a moment, I need to speak to Camila here for a second. And Luz please release the snake outside, away from the school if possible."

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