Chapter 2: Say Goodnight

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Hey guys, it been a while! I haven't got a lot of inspiration for these first couple chapters, because I'm kinda making it up on the spot, but hopefully once we get into the parts the game covers it should be smoother sailing. This chapter isn't very long, either.


1:00 am

Second POV

You were back on the road, coming home from wherever you had been, when you see that eerily familiar shape on the side of the road. Every inch of you is telling you to ignore it, to keep driving, but you couldn't control your body. Stuck in the cockpit, watching as you reach for the handle and push open the door. You reach the body, asking it the same questions you asked it before.

"Hey, are you okay? Can you move?"

Similar to last time, it lunges for you, eyes on your neck as a dog would look at a juicy steak. You let out a shrill shriek, before it takes a bite out of your neck. You try to scream again, but you can't. You try to breathe, but can barely get a breath down before everything goes black.

Your eyes snap open, your dream still running through your head. Hands in the air as if you were holding someone back, but that someone isn't there anymore. The only sounds you can hear are your shaky breaths, the ticking of your mothers clock's, and footsteps. Footsteps? A break in? No, I would have heard glass break. Your thinking stops dead when the footsteps stop outside your door.


"Bibi..? Are..are you ok?" Teagen stands in the open door frame rubbing his eyes. "You were saying something. It was .... loud." He yawns, cutting him mid sentence. Oh. I must've started sleep talking.

"Yeah I'm alright, just a bad dream. Sorry bud, did I wake you up?"

"Mhm, that's ok though. Can I come sleep with you tonight? 'Phelia keeps stealing the blankets."

You pat the bed, "Yeah, come in. Just promise you won't steal my blankets." He smiled before he tumbled into the bed. Not long after his head hits the pillow, you can hear little snores coming from him. Guess I should try to sleep again. Gotta go to work tommo- You look at the clock. 1:28 shines from the alarm clock on your nightstand. You sighed. Today. Gotta go to work today.


7:00 am

Second POV

The unwelcome beeping of your alarm clock wakes you from your slumber. You blink a couple times to get your eyes adjusted to the light streaming in through your blinds and roll out of bed. Your hand lazily slams down on the reset button before you make way to the closet. Right. No uniform in this closet. You reach for a pair of jeans and a somewhat formal shirt. Nothing fancy. After you grab your things, you decide to freshen up with a quick shower. The nice hot water running down over your head, down your shoulders, washing away any of your new job worries. All down the drain.

7:20 am

The soft hum of the refrigerator is the first thing you hear when you get to the kitchen. The second, is the clink of metal on ceramic. Like a cup of coffee being stirred. There, at the kitchen table is baba drinking their morning coffee. They always woke up early out of habit. Or sometimes they just couldn't sleep. Baba motioned their hand to the second cup of coffee on the table. "I made you a cup, I'm not sure what you take in it though."


You head for the refrigerator to pull out the creamer, when a rock flies through the window.

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