Home comforts

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A/N: after a few eventful days Nick and Charlie decide to indulge in some home comforts and spend the day  together at casa de Nelson a wholesome peaceful day at home with no drama's or distractions right? 

I wake up the next morning remembering that Charlie and I were due to go on date night this evening and my heart swells, I'm getting ready for my day and about to text Charlie to see what he has planned for this evening when my phone buzzes 

Charlie Spring 10:30 am - So I know we said "Date Night" but how would you feel about me just coming over and we just hang out for the day? xx 

The text message makes me happy (What Char is suggesting sounds like the perfect day and I knew mum wouldn't mind) but also casts a shadow of concern over my thoughts and I quickly pen out a reply 

Nick Nelson 10:33am - That sounds like a great idea any reason for casa de Nelson specifically? Not that its a problem I just want to make sure your okay. Otherwise I have a whole list of things we could do today xx 

Charlie responds moments later and my mood lightens 

Charlie Spring 10:34am - No No I'm fine everything's fine. we've just been doing loads recently and there's been a lot going on. So I just thought we could pause the world for a bit and just hang out?? x

Nick Nelson 10:35am - Ok I'm glad your okay! and pausing the world and just hanging out with you sounds perfect Charlie, I'll see you soon
What time roughly xx 

Charlie Spring 10:36am - Amazing I can't wait I'll be around at 11ish xx 

I quickly heart his message and head downstairs to get some breakfast and fill my mum in on what the plan had changed to. And, of course, Mum being Mum, had no issues whatsoever. Though she did seem a little bit different this morning, and I wasn't entirely sure why. At 11 am, not a second later, the doorbell rings. Nellie bounds to the front door as she can hear Charlie. "Ok, girl, calm down! We may as well hire you as our own doorbell at this rate!" I chuckle, stepping over her and trying not to step on her paws! I open the door, and Charlie is standing there, tired but smiling happily, wearing his pyjamas and one of my hoodies that he had "borrowed," his backpack over one shoulder, and a bag of treats for Nellie in one hand.

"Hi," I say in almost a whispered tone. "Hi," he says, stepping through the doorway and wrapping me in a hug. Charlie smells as he always does, of freshly cut grass, toothpaste, and washing. "You look so comfortable like that!" I observe, and Charlie blushes. "I really couldn't be bothered to get dressed properly today, but the pyjamas are clean – does it look bad?" he asks, keeping one arm tucked in our hug as he removes his Converse, placing them carefully next to my Vans. I lean and kiss his cheek. "You look cosy," I admit, and this makes Charlie giggle.

"So," I say, closing the front door behind us with a gentle thud before Nellie assumes we're going for a walk. "What do you want to do first? We could play Mario Kart, see if there's anything on at the cinema?" I suggest, rambling off a list of ideas. Charlie looks down sheepishly and blushes, "Not the most romantic, but do you mind helping me finish my book report on 'Of Mice and Men'? It was sort of my mom's one condition for me coming over so early this morning," he says. There's frustration in his voice, knowing how much Jane's rules and regulations frustrate Charlie. I don't let my own annoyance seep through; instead, I take a deep breath, connect our hands together, smile, and say, "Of course, that's okay!"

An hour later, Charlie is done. Turns out, me helping him with his book report meant me being there for moral support. "And I'm officially," he says from across the room, breaking the silence of our afternoon, "done!" He sighs, clicking 'Enter' on his keyboard. It had just gone midday, though we wanted to go on a "Date Night." We'd decided that after everything, that's when we spent most of our time – just in each other's company. It seems boring, but that's how we liked it, and today was no different. The only shift was Charlie needing to finish some summer homework for his English class before we could do anything fun.

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