1 Charlie

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I tapped my fingers against my science notebook bored, and inpatient, absentmindedly chewing my pen staring at the clock as if time would go faster, it was the last Friday of term before the summer holidays six weeks of stress free fun and enjoyment. "Charlie Spring did you hear a word I've just said?" I was suddenly interrupted by my wonderful thoughts of mine and Nicks extravagant and wild summer plans and by wild and extravagant I mean, spending a crap load of time with each other and taking any and every opportunity we could just to be together. I looked up to see my science teacher Mr Leaver leaning over my desk, "hmm, I mean yes sir" I stuttered as I remembered where I was.

Mr Leaver sighed looking down at my notebook, "You haven't written a jot all lesson Charlie" Leaver grumbled twisting round my notebook to examine my scribblings and drawings, "sorry sir" I blushed scratching the back of my neck as he examined my Nick and Charlie doodles and scribblings, Leaver was about to give me a lecture on how I chose GCSE combined science and the way he "expected more from such a bright intelligent young man" and how I needed to pay attention as all the other creative subjects I've taken for options wouldn't get me anywhere in my life and I needed a plan C with science when the end of fifth period bell sounded and I sighed with relief saved by the bell.

I stood up and grabbed my bag rushing out the door "have a good summer Mr Leaver!" I called stumbling out into the corridor in excitement and anticipation, pulling out my phone and texting the only person that was constantly on my mind twenty-four hours a day seven days a week my boyfriend Nick Nelson. I rested my back against a locker and texted

Charlie Spring 2:32pm: Hey I've missed you where are you x
moments later: Nick Nelson 2:33pm: I've missed you too, where do you think I am check your timetable lol x

I was confused for a second before pulling out my scrunched up colour coordinated timetable... Nick was right if I was going to keep a timetable in my blazer I should have laminated it, I quickly scanned the list of Friday lessons on the sheet and my stomach flipped, a smile spread across my face when I read the title year 10/11 form time 2:35-3:35pm I had form with Nick quite possibly our favourite time of week shoving my timetable back in my pocket I sprinted down the corridor through the art block and to maths room 12 where our form room was

"Hi!" I grinned sitting next to Nick who looked as good as ever, the warm afternoon sun framed him perfectly his eyes looked tired from a long day but he still looked pleased to see me, he had a smudge of dry mud on his cheek and  his hair looked tossed from a lunchtime rugby scrimmage which he clearly hadn't bothered to sort out. "Hi!" he smirked leaning forward and resting his forearms the desk we shared to get a better look at me, we both enjoyed subtle moments like this and I liked our closeness it meant that Nick could hear everything I was saying over the hustle and bustle of the form room despite my softer voice it also meant that if we wanted to we could sneak a few kisses before the start of form. "So, how was science" Nick asked watching me as I got comfortable for form, I sighed frustrated "Leaver almost gave me the you can do better than this Charlie speech for a third time this week, Ash Weller had to be sent to the first aid room and Nathan Smyth blew up a jelly bean on a Bunsen burner, how was PE?"

Nick looked at me astonished "PE was fine Mrs Mason gave the rugby team an intensive summer program and that science lesson Sounds....eventful and Leaver is a complete codger and how the hell did Ash get sent to the first aid r- actually I don't want to know" Nick chuckled tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear and leaning back in his seat loosening his tie and folding his arms "I'm sorry did you just call" before I could get into any detailed explanations and continue our conversation Mr Langley had started form

3:35 pm – Charlie – end of form – let summer begin

"And with that said" Langley took of his glasses and placed them on his desk glancing at his watch the whole class waiting for his cue to make an exit "have an excellent summer form 2!" the classroom erupted from silence to the sound of chatter, plan making and chairs being shoved and stacked on desks I was packing up my things and loosening my tie when I caught Nick grinning at me "what?" I quizzed pulling Nick up from his seat "Nothing" Nick's stupid grin still plastered on his face I rolled my eyes "come on I know there is" I quizzed again leaning against the desk Nick sat on the table legs swinging over the edge feet crossed at the ankles "March seventh" Nick stated simply I looked at him with a confused look before my face softened into a smile when I realised it had officially been five months since we'd first kissed and gotten together. Upon realisation I took Nick by surprise pulling him in for a kiss, the moment was slow and soft. He gently pulled my neck in further towards him and a few seconds later we pulled away not breaking eye contact "Happy anniversary boyfriend" Nick smiled I couldn't help but laugh my stomach flipping happily at the idea "what are we doing tonight? I'll tell Tori we're hanging out and I'll be home late" I pulled out my phone and texted my sister Tori

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