~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm not your Jimin~~~~~~~~~~~

Start from the beginning


“ Now now , you little slut , be a good boy for master and make him proud. "


" Yes master. "


" No master. I'm not doing anything. "


"  Fucking slut ! Now you learnt to talk back !? "


" No master... ? "


" Then you'll take whatever I'll give you! "


" I'm sorry alpha. "


I shook my head deducing the thoughts , our bad memories , memories of his misery . The memories of him smiling when we were in college enjoying , I teasing him and we expecting him to be our mate coz we loved him , his smell , I got to know when he turned eighteen but I’m sure taehyung knew earlier , if not he wouldn’t have treated him and gave him as much love like a lover . He is more into the mate thing then lover, he believes in fait more .

I took one last glance at the mirror , if I'm looking perfect, which I always look, with a heavy heart touching the spot of Jimin sleeping, in the middle , I came out of my room closing the door behind.

Journey to the rival's nephew's mansion was silent. Tae and I were only the one joining that don't know what event ,  now passing through the entrance , stood on the hall.

so many people.

so many faces.

----All fake__

I don't like people ! I don't trust people . The whole world is about competition nowadays . Right now and joining and other competition as well the show of competition are the money and power competition.


In this enormous crowd the people who stands out the most were our rivals  whose organised party it is .

So friendly . 
But it's just to show the world.

There is Yoongi.

I can't stand that person at all. So i came out of the celebration hall . It's their gurden. I wasn't expecting it to be full of flowers.

It's peaceful here.

I was just roaming arround and suddenly a hand yanked me back.

" You don't care at all do you? " Hyung looked so mad.

" I'm sorry hyung it's just I lost time track and this place, it just, it isn't letting me go away from it. "

Hyung looked at my back and his eyes widen, he became a statue. Wow... Hyung looked a little bit too surprised.

I smiled at his cuteness. But he turned me to that side and -

That figure of an angel , that we were trying to find all the time, - is it a dream or are we hallucinating?

We didn't waste any more time, ran to him -

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... "

He shouted when we hugged him tightly, releasing our comfort scent  , trying to push us away.

We broke the hug. And he backed away.

Seeing him trying to distant from us broke my heart. I know you are hurt Jimin , but please just once. Just this once.

" Jimin.. Baby. " Hyung called for him, but he backed away, making more space between us.

" Baby? " He sounds angry and confused too.

" Please Jimin come back to us. "

" What come back to us. What do you want. Go away. "

" Jimin please don't do this to us. We love you. And we are willing to do everything. Please forgive us. " Hyung was trying to convence him.

" Please be ours again. " I joined as well. " We finally found you, baby. "

" The fuck are you talking about. What baby, who baby. I don't know you two. If you want to return alive stay away from me. And lastly ...

...I'm not your Jimin. "


* So this was the end...... Not really but yeh it's the end of season 1 .

* I'll be starting the season two soon.

* Tell me your thoughts. I think if it's the end I should at least get to know your thoughts about this book.

* If in this one year journey. You stayed all along the way. Thank you. I love your support. Love you all.

Hope we meet again in the future. If you want to talk personally you can always DM me.

Don't forget to vote coz you vote does matter in this case.

I'll be missing you. Love you ❤❤.

Stay healthy, stay safe.

Love yourself , love the world.

See you soon.

- your author
[ Daisy Pahi Sonowal Hazarika Phukan Baithuria. ]

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