All Ghillie up/One shot one Kill

Start from the beginning

MacMillan: Do you have a shot on the lookout?

Price snipes the lookout.

MacMillan: Beautiful. Target approaching from the north. Take him out quietly or just let him pass, your call.

Price and nomad snipes the target.

MacMillan: Target down, go. Forward area clear.

MacMillan opens a door, then Price takes point inside a church and Nomad Follows.

MacMillan: The coast is clear.

Price, Nomad and MacMillan hear a helicopter

MacMillan: You hear that? Enemy helicopter, get down! Stay in the shadows.

The three hide in bushes and try to avoid the helicopter.

MacMillan: Alright, lets go.

Price and MacMillan run into a patrol with tanks.

MacMillan: Get down!

The three lay down and Nomad reloads his M21 sniper rifle was about to shoot but McMillan stops him.

MacMillan: Easy lad. There's too many of them, remember Stillness and Patients is success. Now, let them go. Keep a low profile and hold your fire. Try to anticipate their paths. If you need to readjust your position, do it slow and steady, no quick movements.

Price, Nomad and MacMillan crawl past the patrol, This was A Time that Nomad was scared that he had to experience something like this.

MacMillan: Steady - Steady...

The last two pass then and they were in the clear.

MacMillan: Ok, lets move. Follow me.

They pushed forward and saw There is a pile of bodies.

MacMillan: Looks like they already eliminated all of the men that they couldn't buy out. Lets move up for a better view.

Nomad, MacMillan and Price take cover behind a helicopter.

MacMillan: Taking them out without alerting the rest isn't going to be easy. But then again, neither is sneaking past them. Your call.

Price and Nomad snipe the enemies in the area one by one.

MacMillan: Move up. Stay in the shadows.

(There are enemies behind some crates)

MacMillan: Stay back (An enemy walks by)
Stay low, he's mine. Oi! Suzi!

Solider: What-?

MacMillan slices the soldiers throat open with a knife.

MacMillan: That's how its done, let's go

Price and MacMillan move through the crates and couple of enemies pass by.

MacMillan: Hold up, wait there. Patrol coming this way, stand back.

MacMillan kills one soldier with a silenced USP.45.

MacMillan: Tango down, go.

Price, Nomad and MacMillan move around for a better angle.

MacMillan: Shhh, stay hidden, lets go.

The three crawl pass the soldiers and move the next are to see Some helicopters fly overhead.

MacMillan: It's a bloody convention out there. Get ready to move on my signal, and stay right behind me... Hold... Ok, go

Price, Nomad and MacMillan crawl under some trucks to avoid detection.

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