Chapter 5

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*Author's POV*

Takehiro starts to stretch his arms while slowly walk towards them, getting ready to fight against them.

"Welp, it's been a long time hasn't it? Since that all of you are idiots who didn't remember me, we'll start the fight just like the old times so you all gonna remember my face~" -Takehiro spoke with a playful yet polite tone while doing his lil stretching.

"Tch, that arrogant asshole really got a death wish. LET'S GO EVERYONE!!!" -Fujino spoke in a battle cry as they start to charge at Takehiro.

"THEN COME AT ME WITH ALL YOU GOT, BASTARDS!!!" -Takehiro spoke back in a battle cry as he launch an attack on them with his speed.

((*sighs* i guess he's just like Takemitchy for the stubbornness and refusal to give in personality. They're brothers alright)) -Draken thought.

Then, the fight began as Takehiro starts to punch and kick their asses one by one with kicks and punches. Everyone witness his battle with them as he defeats them one by one with their mixed reactions.

[Imagine that this guy in a gray suit fighting with 100 people with police combat suit at the hq is Takehiro wearing a black and white suit fighting with the remaining 3000 people with their school uniform with a weapon except the shields and swords. also, just imagine that he doesn't have glasses. Thx for understanding and sorry about the cringe fight with a slow motion]

"What the fuck just happened?! sensei single handedly kicks their asses. so badass" -Baji said. 

"Wow partner, your older brother can fight. he's amazing!" -Chifuyu said with an admiration on his face.

"Uwah!!!, Aniki is so cool!!" -Takemichi spoke with happiness as he's proud of his older brother.

"What?! I didn't know that our sensei can fight" -Koko spoke.

"Koko, he's not a former Black Dragon 3rd Gen leader and Prince for nothing. i remember he single handedly defeats most of the gangs who badmouths him" -Inupi said, reminding Koko about Takehiro's fighting ability.

Ofc, inupi's revelation about Takehiro being a former 3rd gen leader and prince from Black Dragon gang gained a mixed reaction from them.

"What?! Hiro-sensei is a former 3rd Gen Leader?!" -Baji asked in a shocked tone.

"Wait, Black Dragon's Prince? seriously?" -Draken added in question.

"Oh my, i never thought that Black Dragon's Prince is already here in front of us" -Mitsuya added in a calm tone.

((What?! Aniki is a former Black Dragon's 3rd Gen Leader and Prince?!  But how?! He never told me about his delinquent life here before he studied abroad and graduates in South Korea)) -Takemichi thought in disbelief since he just found out about his older brother's delinquent life.

"Tch, I never realized that senpai is one of the predecessor on becoming a leader of the Black Dragons before Izana and the other successors like me" - Taiju now spoke.

((Wait, Hiro-senpai is here?!  and he's the 3rd Gen leader before me?! That's Impossible!!! Im a King and He's a Prince so he should've been bellow me. Im going to talk to him after this!! No one should've been my other predecessor except for my oldest brother!!)) -Izana spoke in thought since he got pissed at the revelation of his senpai's position in a gang. 

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