Chapter 3: Cold water

Start from the beginning

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, he is either going to kill you or make your reverse whatever it was what you did.”

That ticked me off. Who the fuck do these people think they are?

“Him and what army?” I growled grabbing her finger and making Helena step back in fright.

“He will find a way, one way and another. Noah Turner has been trained for this since his turning.He always find a way to get what he want.“ Helena stated with absolute admiration in her eyes.

Oh for fuck sake. I took the guy out with one blow to the head.

“The core, that is Komar, is female and thus physically inferior to Dravec. This means I’m stronger, meaner and faster. Noah Turner is not a problem now that Dravec turned me permanently. Ever.” I hissed to the puny little vampire in front of me.

Helena’s eyes widened in fright and she tried to pull herself loose.

Gran intervened before I could more damage.

"Calm down. I have a plan. We need to know more about the spirits. How they connect to our bodies. Exactly how they change the fundament of your being. Find out whether its reversible…" Gran started.

“Are you suggesting what I think you are?” I said with a smile on my face. That would solve my little problem of being permanently into this beast as well.

Helena threw her hands in the air. "Hell no! Just get the spirit Komar back into Noah. Problem solved."

"Hell no! You really want to get back to the bloodthirst?" I asked her incredulously.

I have been fighting it since the moment that I picked up Gran’s scent in the air.

Helena crossed her arms again and continued with a serious look on her face.

"Chloe, your spell gave us the death blow. Our feuds with the other clans in the Vampire Dimension cost us hundreds of undead daily. When they hear of our misfortune they will start a war to get the throne. Without turning newlings, our numbers will dwindle and we eventually lose. No matter how you look at this, it is going to end bad."

"My...look who has been paying attention in class for once." I said with a grin.

Helena shook her head, "Whatever. When it concerns me I'll be damn sure to pay attention."

I sighed. "Look. I'm not turning you lot back into predators. Whatever your problems in the Vampire Dimension are. Your species have killed too many."

"Making them human would maybe make the other clans lose interest. They would just be more food." Gran offered.

"Pfff...right. We made ourselves very popular over the centuries. Of course they would give us the same fighting chance as other food." Helena said sarcastically.

"Helena. No way in hell that I'm putting the spirit back in Noah." I snapped.

Helena shook her head and stared at the dirt on her boots. “Than we are screwed. Big time.”

"Speaking about Komar and did Noah know about them? How did he know that the core was Komar?" I asked her

“We found it in some ancient texts in the library.”

“What library? I digged hard to get any information on these spirits.It took me years. And you three found out in two days? How is that possible?”

“We have a library at the vampire university. Noah seems to know his way around there.”

I looked incredulously at Helena.

“Well. And we don’t sleep. So actually it’s four days. And who knows how much time Noah spent in there before.”

“Vampire library. I didn’t take your kind for the reading type.” Gran mumbled.

“We aren’t. It is fairly small.” Helena responded with a smile.

“Okay we are going there. I can use any more information on these two spirits before I attempt something rash.” I stated before stomping off in the direction of the only road leading away from the small pond.

“We are not going by foot are we?” Helena yelled.

“Did you take a car? I didn’t!” I yelled back.

“What about your Gran?” Helena yelled back again.

“I can walk just fine. Look!” Gran lifted the hem of her dress to reveal of pair of sturdy walking boots.

“Fine.You are, but I’m wearing heals. I’m stealing the first car in sight.” Helena stated before following us in the direction of the gate. 500 kms away...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2013 ⏰

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