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Niki had finally waken up but before he could let out his stomach churning cries, Jake whipped out his already made bottle and gave it to him. "Where did the bottle come from, Uncle Jake?!"

Jungwon asks his big cat eyes sparkling in amazement. "It's magic, Wonnie!" Jake replies with equal enthusiasm. Jake sighs as he looks tiredly at his baby.

"Welp, I apologize for taking up so much of your time, Jay. I'll leave you back to your previous activities" Jake says settling Niki back in his stroller with his bottle.


Jake jumps a little startled by the older man's outburst. "Sorry. Me and kitten don't have any set plans, you could spend some time with us... if you want?!" Jay says shyly.

Only for Jake to laugh lightly. "It's okay, I won't bother you any longer" "You're not bothering me, Jake. We're friends remember? Plus... I kind of owe you a lot"

Jay meets Jake's eyes with a smile which Jake immediately returns. "Sure" Jungwon claps his hands excitedly bouncing in his chair. "Yay! Uncle Jake, you come with us!"


"Look, baby! You see the tree?! It's a tree!" Jake exclaims to a cute and curious baby Niki who is trying so hard to peak outside his stroller at the park he's at.

Jake adjust the stroller so that the covering was pulled down and the stroller was laid flat so Niki could be unstrapped to move around. Jake also did his fair share of peaking.

He watched as Jay ran and chased after Jungwon as they played some sort of tag. It was (hopefully) something he would be able to look forward to when Niki got older.

He also got a chance to look at Jay, like a genuine look at him in is his fatherly glory. He admitted Jay was a very handsome man, especially when he's taking care of Jungwon.

It his sharp jawline was on full display as he threw his head back in laughter at something Jungwon does and his nicely formed arms as he picks up Jungwon.

Jake was always a pretty fluid lover but this was different, they were supposed to be friends. They are friends. "Come, little kitten. Daddy needs a break" Jay huffs, Jake not noticing him nearing until Niki shakes his stroller.

Jake takes the baby out of the stroller onto the blanket as he wanted . Jay sprawls himself across the large blanket with Jungwon jumping on him soon after. Making him groan.

"Jeez, Wonnie! You're getting heavier, have you been working out?" Jay jokes making Jungwon giggle as he denies the allegation. Niki crawls up to Jay, placing his hand on his forehead.

Niki moves down to Jay's shoulder before making himself comfortable next to Jungwon on Jay's chest. "Hey there buddy!" Jay coos, Jake looks expecting a new presence, only to be surprised by his son's actions.

"Niki! What are doing, baby?!" Jake laughs getting ready to grab Niki when Jay stops him. "It's okay, he's fine here, Jake" Jay assures making the younger smile.

"Niki. Tell 'em buddy, say I'm fine dad. Stop worrying so much" Jay says in imitation of Niki, making Jake roll his eyes. "I hope my son does not sound like that ever" he chuckles.


"Uncle Heeseungie! Where are you going?" Sunoo rubs his curious yet sleepy eyes as he wakes up from his nap. "Why are you all dressed up?" Sunoo asks tilting his pouted head slightly.

"I'm going out, later on" Heeseung says. "Oh, why are you going out?" Sunoo asks again. "..." Heeseung thought carefully, Sunoo is only three "I'm going to meet my friend"

"You're friend?" Heeseung nods, Sunoo tilts his head in the opposite direction now still confused. "Can I meet your friend, Uncle Heeseungie?!" The toddler asks.

Heeseung blushes not sure how to respond to the little boy, oh how innocent he was! "I don't think so, I don't think your daddy would like it" Heeseung says softly.

"Where is my daddy?" "He should be here soon" Heeseung says, realizing Sunghoon never gives him a set time which is usually fine but today he has plans.

It wouldn't be that bad, he had a few hours and he was already dressed so when Sunghoon would come he would leave immediately after. "Hopefully he doesn't take to long" Heeseung says.


"Hey, Sunghoon?!" Sunghoon's manager Mrs. Nam calls as she walks past his office "Yes, Mrs. Nam?" Sunghoon answered politely, though he was tired.

"Why don't you do a couple more hours?" She gave him a sickening smile as two of his colleagues let Mrs. Nam know they're clocking out, he closes his eyes with a silent sigh.

He was tired, he had to get back to Sunoo and he wanted to ask how long would he stay over for and when he could get off. He had many questions but didn't dare ask.

He didn't have the room to question anyone when he'd barely been working, himself. "Sure" Sunghoon fake smiles at his manager. "Thank you, Sunghoon"


Sunghoon sleepily finishes his paper, it's 6:50 pm and he was feeling burnt out, his eyes are kind of sticky and heavy from staring at the computer for so long.

By the time he got to his car its 7:12 pm and he needed to get Sunoo it was already very late and he could not have an argument, it's getting tired and boring.

"I'm coming, papa" Sunghoon says to himself.


Sunghoon finally arrives at Heeseung's apartment and tiredly rings the doorbell. Not even two seconds later the door opens revealing Heeseung with a sarcastic smile and sleeping Sunoo in his arms.

"He tired himself out waiting for you" Heeseung says with an eye roll. "I'm so sorry, Heeseung-" "it was a joke, Sunghoon, I forgot to tell you I have plans"

Heeseung explains as he hands over the sleeping two year old. "I'll try to be more mindful, you also have a life" Sunghoon says with embarrassment.

"It's okay, really. Sunoo is a good kid so I don't mind. You can bring him anytime he wants" Heeseung smiles making Sunghoon smile also. "Thank you, Heeseung, so much"

"Anything for Sunoo, and... you're cool too" Sunghoon chuckles at this before the two adults bid each other goodnight. As he's walking to his car, Sunoo wakes up.

"Daddy?" Sunoo says through a yawn, rubbing his eyes. "Yes, papa. I'm here, we're going home now" Sunghoon says while strapping Sunoo in.

The said boy kisses his dad's cheeks, getting twice as many in return before his dad started to drive them home. "Daddy, why you so late?" Sunoo asks brows furrowed.

"I'll try to not to be so late next time, I really missed you, papa" Sunghoon says. "I thought you forgot about me" Sunoo says. "Why? Why would you think that?!"

Sunghoon looks at his son through the rear view with a very sad look. "You took soooo long" Sunoo whines. "I would never forget about you, papa, I left as soon as I could!"

"I thought about you the whole time and I told my boss 'I have to go home to my papa' and she told me that after I do all my work I can go to you. So I went as fast as I could, I'm sorry daddy took so long, papa. Can you forgive me?"

"Well... it's okay. Papa can forgive you... if I get a lot of cuddles when we go home" Sunoo says. Sunghoon laughs at the wager and nods happily. "Okay, papa. You can have all the cuddles later"

𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊 𝕬𝖘 𝕵𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖘 ~ Heehoon ft JaykeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum