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Heeseung woke up to knocking at his door, he wobbled out of his bed dazed and confused as hey anyone would be knocking at his door. He went over to Jake's side of the bed and saw him awake.

On his phone. He kicked him causing the younger to whisper his cry of pain. "If you were up why didn't you answer the door?!" He whispers in consideration of sleeping Ni-ki. "Shut up! You would've been mad if I did!" He whispers.

The knocking is still going on sporadically and he remembers to answer barely getting the sleep and dried saliva off his face. "Heeseung?" Heeseung was about to chew this person's head off when he realized it was Sunghoon.

He completely forgot that he agreed (basically asked/ begged) to be his personal chauffeur. "It's Monday... did you forget? It's okay if you did, you don't have to drive me. I told you it's fine~"

"Oh~" he claps his hand over his mouth as his breath was surely foul " oh my god. Sunghoon, no please come in. Im so sorry just give me, like, 10 minutes. I promise you won't be late" Heeseung says.

"It's okay I figured you forgot so I came to you" Sunghoon chuckles softly. "Uhm right... what time should I get you?" Heeseung asks pulling out his phone "I'll set an alarm right now" "you sure?" Sunghoon asks and Heeseung nods "6:30 is fine"

Heeseung sets an alarm for 5: 30 then rushes back to his room, which Jake emerges from 5 minutes later. "Sunghoon... how are you?" He asks looking at the sleeping Sunoo "I'm surprised he's sleep" he says.

"Me too but I checked and he's still alive" Sunghoon says "I don't know... I'm okay. How about you?" "I'm glad he's alive but I guess I'm just okay too. Things could always be better, right?" Jake says and Sunghoon nods.

"Also, it's my fault Heeseung forgot, I had him come to my house and then we came here and Niki had us up all night so... my apologies and I'll compensate any harm done" Jake says.

"It's okay. My job's not far from here so hopefully I'm not too late" Sunghoon says. "Well, I can take Sunoo and you have a good day. Let's talk more later, okay?" Jake asks with a smile that Sunghoon returns with a nod. He kisses Sunoo's forehead before Jake takes off with him.

"Oh my god, sorry Sunghoon. Let's go now?" Heeseung comes out after Jake, he's fixed his hair a bit and put on a decent outfit. "Yeah, thanks again" Sunghoon says. "Of course" Heeseung says rushing out the door as Sunghoon chuckles behind him.


Jay could barely sleep at all last night as Eunwon's words echoed in his mind. He called off work, not able to function properly in the state he was in. He couldn't imagine not having Jungwon with him.

So he did the only thing that made since at the moment, with a bit of hesitation, and calls his mom.

"Hey, honey, your father's here right now too" his mother says answering the phone.

"Hey son, how are you and my grandson?"

Jay's chest tighten at his father's voice, not out of fear but out of not wanting to hear both his parents disappointment. His mother may dislike Eunwon but his father loathed the every fiber of her being.
So he back tracked and decided not to tell them.

"Hey dad" his voice hollowed "we're doing good, just wanted to say I love you before work" he lied

"Oh! We love you too, sweetheart and my little garden gnome" his mom says.

"Love you guys too, stay safe and take care of yourself while working" his father says.

"A-alright. I will" he says before hanging up.

𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊 𝕬𝖘 𝕵𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖘 ~ Heehoon ft JaykeWhere stories live. Discover now