In The Beginning There Were 2 Brothers (part 1)

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I felt numb as bullets and screams passed me. The Police were trying to settle everything down and I was in the middle of everything like a stuffed monkey without a life. I looked around as the people with weapons fought in the streets and the ones with guns shot innocent bistanders. Then there was me, the one that lifelessly watched as the scene unfolded like a movie. I spun around as I saw a man with blonde hair run towards me. As if by instict I ran towards him also and I was surprised by my own actions. When I finally reached him he kissed me passionatly before becoming limp in my arms, possibly from getting shot.

I started crying and fell down along with his body "Akira." That one word made me sob loudly before I also was shot-


I opened my eyes quickly and looked around the room "Am I dreaming again?" I felt like I was on a bed and I sat up "Hello!"

A young man came in with bleach blonde hair and that's when I realized he was from my dream "You who are you?!"

He chuckled "Your brother silly, Taka dont joke with me." He looked dirty and when I looked at myself I wasnt in the best shape either, then my head hurt.

"What happened?" I asked rubbing the back of my head.

He frowned "You dont remember?"

I shook my head "I think I must have hit my head hard."

He sighed "Are you sure you wanna know?"

I nodded "Please just tell me."

He nodded "It all started this morning..."



"Honey I'm going out for a few hour, be good, and also watch your brother," My mom yelled before slamming the door.

Okay lets just get the introducing out of the way, I'm Akira at the age of 17 almost 18 and my brother, Takanori is the age of 16. We live a smaller part of Japan although we have a pretty fancy house.

I sighed and went to check on Takanori who was watching Black Butler, he was in love with Sebastian the butler. I was kinda jealous since I kinda had a small crush on my brother. Yes I know before you say anything I know it's way wrong but dammit I cant help it hes so adorable. Taka was a normal young teen, he wore skinny jeans and band merchandise. To me he was the cutest, most perfect human being.

When he noticed I was there he smiled "Hey Aki-san."

I smiled too "Hey Taka."

I walked further into the room and sat next to him. He sighed and rested his head on my shoulder "Is mom gone again?"

"Yeah...I take it you know about her...condition?" I stated and wrapped my arm around his shoulders.

He nodded with a painful look in his face "She needs to stop getting drunk and high..."

I sighed and kissed his forehead, hoping it wasnt too intimate "It's going to be fine."

He didnt seem to fazed by the kiss, bur he did blush lightly "Okay."

I smiled and ruffled his hair "I'm gonna make breakfast, you can continue watching Sebby-chan."

He thought about that "No I wanna help you."

I blushed and mentally smacked myself for immediately thinking dirty thoughts "Okay."

He turned off the tv and grabbed my hair "Kk lets go Aki-chan."

I raised an eyebrow "Chan?"

He aeemed like he realized he said it and gasped with a blush "Oh sorry I didn't mean to."

I smiled and shook my head "No...I like it."

He giggled and bit his lip "Oh okay."

There was a big BANG! I looked back and went to investigate. I looked out the window and froze "Taka get into thw basement and lock the door, ill knock 4 times and you let me in."

There were several guys shooting at each other and at first I thought it was nothing until I saw more people down the road with other weapons. It was human slaughter.

He looked scared "Why...Akira I don't wanna go without you."

I jumped when some people looked around at the houses "Takanori go now!"

He seemed more scared and decided to do as I instructed. As he hid I went to lock the doors then also went to our hidden basement door. I knocked 4 times and Takanori opened the door with tears already trying to escape his eyes.

I closed the door and locked it before wrapping my arms around his body "Hey don't cry Taka-chan."

He held onto me for dear life and sobbed "I'm scared."

I rubbed his back "I know, me too."

He seemed to calm down a little so I took the chance to move us onto a bean bag. He sat in my lap and started calming down more "Akira what was happening up there?"

I thought about that "I dont know..."

He smiled weakly and nodded "Okay."

I sighed and kept rubbing his back till he fell asleep in my arms. I heard our front door slam open so I put Taka down and moved toward the guns on the closet.

I went back to Taka with a gun in my hand. I heard footsteps and voices for several minutes until they left.

I let out a breath I disnt realize I had been holding. Takanori had woken up by then "Akira what happened?"


He rubbed my cheek "Your shaking and your holding a gun."

I sighed and put the gun on the table "I'm sorry, I dont know what's going on out there but we cant leave."

He pouted "What about food?"

I growled not even thinking about that "We have a microwave and some soup down here but your right we'll have to leave at some point."

He bit his lip and brought his knees to his chest "I wonder whats happening...I dont wanna die."

I nodded and layed against the wall "I know."

He climbed into my lap and nuzzled into the warmth "We only have each othee now, right?"

I rested my hands on his waist "Yes, were all alone now."


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