Yugi looked up suddenly causing his tower to topple over, he sighed in disappointment.

"Don't just play by yourself, why not play basketball with us sometime?" the guy asked.

"Eh, that's alright, the team I join would lose…" he declined looking down slightly.

"That's true." the guy agreed rather rudely before jogging out of the classroom "Alright, everyone let's go" he said while walking off with his friends without a care in the world.

"I wish I could play a game with everyone sometimes..." I heard Yugi say as he gathered his cards into a neat pile.

"Then...would you like to play a game with me?" I asked politely making Yugi jump with a light flush forming on his cheeks.

"I...uh...well…" he started

"You seemed to like games too, so can I play?" I asked again.

"Y-yes!" He said a bit loudly. He took the deck of cards and started to shuffle them. " My name is Yugi Muto...you're Kiara right?"

"Yep! Nice to meet you Yugi." I said with a friendly smile while he passed out the cards.

The two of us played a friendly game until Yugi won. Then I won which ended in a tie between us. When we were done Yugi was putting his cards away.

"I always bring a lot of games to school too…" he trailed off. Is he always alone like this? I looked at Yugi for a minute and smiled.

"Well how about we play games on break every day?" I asked

"Really? "he asked timidly.

"Yeah, I love playing games like this. Plus, I get excited with any game that I see." I said

Yugi looked at me as he picked up his backpack and started rummaging inside.

"I'll show you something that I'm working on, I think I'll be able to finish that today." Yugi said

I sat up a bit straighter as he pulled something from his backpack "I've always got it with me, it's my treasure".

He placed a golden box on the desk in front of me it looked so beautiful it had patterns on it and a golden eye right in the middle of it.

"In this box, is my treasure, but it's a complete secret!"

"A secret?" I repeated.

"Yep! So, here's the quiz, the treasure in this box is something you can see, but have never seen before?"

"Hmm…" I pondered at his quiz.' If you can see it ,but never seen before?'

"So, what is it, the answer is…" Yugi started

When a much taller blonde-haired boy snatched the box right from Yugi's grasp, I got out of my seat looking at the guy. Yugi looked up at him surprised "Joey!".

"Yugi, why are you talking to the new girl? Is it about this boring thing?" he asked looking over the box that was obviously uninteresting to him. He looked over at me.

"Can see, but can't see, saying a bunch of stuff I don't get, you're probably boring her with that junk." Joey said.

"Ah, please return that" Yugi cried getting up from his desk.

He then began jumping up and down in front of Joey in an attempt to get his box back. "Give it back…"But Joey held the box out of Yugi's reach before tossing it into the air leaping over the desks and catching it again.

"Man, timidly treasuring this box… you know Yugi… that's the part about you that really pisses me off" Joey continued unfazed by Yugi's pleas.

Yugi ran over to him "Let me coach you into being more of a man, come on, you want this box back right, if so then come at me full force" Joey demanded.

A Promise Of A White Rose Where stories live. Discover now