The Wedding

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Chapter 2

Sir Riftan entered from the other side of the dining hall, he immediately locked eyes with Maxi. Time seemed to be frozen, until one of the Remdragon Knights cleared his throat.

Maxi exhaled shakily as Sir Riftan strode determinedly toward her, his dark eyes fierce and penetrating. Was he angry with her? What could she have done? Did he already regret choosing her over Rosetta?

His fast approach nearly overwhelmed her, and for a moment, Maxi thought he might smother her in an embrace. Instead, he came to a sudden stop only a breath away. Heart racing, Maxi took a step back to give him a small curtsy in greeting. She looked up at him nervously as he towered over her.

"G-good morning, Sir R-Riftan."

Riftan was sweating and couldn't seem to stay still. 'Could he be nervous?' Thought Maxi.

"Good morning, Maxi."

Maxi's eyes widened. Was he supposed to be addressing her so informally, already? Should she start to call him Riftan, or Rifty?

"May I..." Sir Riftan held his arm out to her, she placed it gingerly into his, then stared quickly at the floor. His body seemed to tense the moment she touched him. Riftan escorted Maxi to the breakfast table where they joined the rest of the knights.

"Some of you have not been introduced. This is my betrothed, Lady Maximilian Croix."

Maxi sneaked a peak up at the knights' faces. They wore ambiguous expressions, neither friendly nor hostile.

"I trust you'll treat her with the respect she deserves." A hint of warning in his voice.

Only then did the men begin to extend their half hearted greeting. Maxi mumbled her thanks in response. After the exchange the knights resumed their breakfast. Riftan pulled out the chair next to his for Maxi, he had a plate already prepared for her. Was she expected to eat all of this? Meat, potatoes, bread, cheese and eggs were piled onto her plate. Maxi's eyes widened as she sat staring.

"Why aren't you eating? The food should be to your taste, being from your kitchen."

"N-no, it's d-delicious."

"Then eat."

He picked up an entire hard boiled egg and popped the whole thing into his mouth. Followed by slice after slice of bacon. His table manners seemed to be lacking, but all the knights were eating the same way.

She tried the ham, and the spiced potatoes on her plate, as well as the leafy greens. She never dared put this much on her plate before. The food was fine, typical for Croix castle, slightly dry, with not much flavor. She wondered how the cooks at Calypse castle would be.

Sir Riftan finished his large plate of bacon and eggs, and filled it again with bacon, ham, beans, bread and spiced potatoes, while also watching her eat. Finishing his drink, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before speaking.

"Here, try some of this. It's good."

He piled at least five slices of bacon on to her plate. The bacon was well cooked, a little gamey, but still good. She cautiously eyed the knights' plates. Sure enough, they all had a mountain of food on each and every plate.

"Here, eat this too."

Dumping a giant scoop of beans onto her plate.

"I c-can't eat all th-that!"

"You've barely eaten! Come now, just a bit more."

Maxi forced herself to eat everything Sir Riftan gave to her. She felt like she would either explode or vomit. Having never eaten so much in her life, and set her fork down.

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