"Exactly." Owl said.

"The point is we...we, you know..." Owl tried to say something.

"Yeah. I love you, too, guys." Snake said.

Wolf and Owl smiled as they hugged Snake with the rest of the Bad Guys forming a circle by grabbing each other's hands.

"This-this is so beautiful. Do you know how beautiful this is, you guys?" Shark said sadly as he started crying.

"Now...now you're gonna make me cry." Piranha said with tears in his eyes.

"I know! So pathetic, right?" Tarantula said while crying.

"Come on, guys. Who said it was the end?" Wolf asked as he held a grappling hook.

"When really, it's just beginning." Owl said as she spread her wings with the jetpack popped out.

(A/N: The jetpack Owl is wearing is the same one Eva wore in Penguins of Madagascar.)

The Bad Guys gasped with hope as the car exploded when it git the ground. The Bad Guys flew through the air with Wolf's grappling hook while Owl followed them with the jet pack attached to her wings. Owlcolm was holding onto Marmalade's helmet as Marmalade tried to pry off Olwcolm's wings. However, the shockwave from the explosion allowed Owlcolm to take off the helmet as it got shredded by the helicopter blade. The helmet unleashed a shockwave that released the guinea pigs from Marmalade's mind control as they walked away. The helicopter was flying down as Owlcolm flew away. Meanwhile, the Bad Guys held onto Wolf as he held onto the grappling hook that latched onto the other side of the broken bridge with Owl flying next to them. Piranha popped out as he coughed.

"What happened? Did we blow up? Is this heaven?" Piranha asked.

"Nope. We're still alive." Owl said.

Wolf climbed up as he was about to get up until he saw Chief Luggins standing in front of him with a wicked smile on her face. Wolf climbed down, but Chief Luggins grabbed the grappling and pulled up Wolf as Owl landed with the handles on top of her wings to fold inside the jetpack. A lot of police officers and police cars blocked their way as they had nowhere to go.

"That is it. There is absolutely no way you're getting away this time." Chief Luggins said as she got in front of Wolf's face.

"Wait, Chief." Diane said as the rest of the Bad Guys stood next to Diane.

"Governor Foxington?" Chief Luggins asked.

"Don't do this. They didn't steal the meteorite. They were bringing it back." Diane said as Wolf and Owl stood next to the Bad Guys.

"Ha! How could you know that?" Chief Luggins asked.

"Because I was with them." Owlcolm's voice said as he flew in front of Chief Luggins.

"Officer Owlcolm?" Chief Luggins asked.

"I was with them an hour ago when the Bad Guys were making their way to the police station and I told Diane about it." Owlcolm explained.

"Well, that explains how Diane knew about that. Unless...unless she was conspiring with a bunch of known criminals." Chief Luggins said.

"Well...(clears throat) as a matter of fact, it's about time I came clean about something." Diane said as she took off her glasses.

The Bad Guys and Owlcolm had surprised expressions at what Diane was about to say.

"The truth is I'm really...(clears throat) r-really..." Diane tried to explain but Wolf interrupted her.

"Really a big fan of redemption arcs. Yeah, we know." Wolf said as he stood next to Diane.

Wolf turned around and looked at the Bad Guys as they all smiled and nodded. Wolf gave Diane the cat.

The Bad Guys (My Version)Where stories live. Discover now