Price: Sniper team in position. Gaz, cover the left flank!

Gaz: Roger, covering the left flank!

Kamarov: All units, commence the attack!

Nomad and Soap take out their sniper rifles and support Kamarov's men by sniping enemies.

Price: Soap, Nomad, take out the machine gunners in the windows so Kamarov's men can storm the building

Nomad: We're on it! (Soap and Nomad snipe some machine gunners)

Kamarov: Damn, enemy helicopters!

Price: You didn't say that there would be helicopters, Kamarov!

Kamarov: I didn't know that there would be any. We need to protect my men from those helicopter troops. This way!

Price: Make it quick, Kamarov, I want that informant!

Nomad snipes a helicopter pilot, causing the helicopter to crash into another helicopter, then the crash kills a bunch of enemies.

Price: MacMillan would be impressed.

Kamarov: You have nothing to worry about. We'll take out the BM21s and carve a path straight to your informant, Captain Price. (Kamarov kicks open a door to a burning house and everyone runs through)

Gaz: (Whispers) We should just beat it out of him sir.

Price: (Whispers) Not yet.

Nomad: (Whispers) And risk him turning on us? We enough problems already.

Gaz: (Whispers) But then they'll get targeted by everyone else.

Nomad: (Shrugs) True.

Gaz: Sir, we've got company! Helicopter troops closing in fast!

Nomad: (A helicopter tries to drop in more troops, but Soap takes out the helicopter with his M203) Nice shot (Soap and Player snipe some more enemies)

Kamarov: Captain Price, my men have run into heavy resistance. Help me support them from the cliffs

Price: What about our informant? He's running out of time!

Kamarov: Then help us! The further my men can get into this village, the closer we will be to securing your informant!

Nomad uses a rocket launcher to make a tower collapse and crush a tank, and a bunch of enemy soldiers.

Kamarov: Good! New we are making progress. Follow me to the power station

Everyone runs to the power station, Soap and Nomad snipe some more.

Kamarov: Look, the final assault has already begun. With a little more of your sniper support we are sure to be victorious.
Captain Price, I need you to-

Nomad: That's it. Gaz?

Gaz: (Gaz pins Kamarov on a ledge) Enough sniping! Where is the informant?! Where is he?!

Kamarov: The house!... The house at the northeast end of the village!

Gaz: That wasn't so hard now was it? Now, go sit in the corner. (Kamarov walks away muttering under his breath)

Price: Nomad, Soap, Gaz. We've got to reach the house before anything happens to the informant. Lets go!

Price, Nomad, Gaz, and Soap rappel down from the ledge, The group battles their way to the house with the help of Kamarov's men.

Price: Bloody hell, lets move. He may still be alive in there. Gaz, go around the back and cut the power. Soap, Player, get ready!

Nomad pulls back the slide of their M9 pistol. Soap reloads his silenced M4A1, Price, Soap, and Player take positions at the door while Gaz goes around the back)

Price: Gaz, do it! (The lights in the house go out)

Gaz: Alright, I've cut the power. Go

Price: Bravo six, going dark.

Price, Soap, and Nomad put on night vision goggles and sneak through front part of the house killing enemies with their silenced guns. Gaz does the same through the back of the house.

Price: These night vision goggles just make it too easy

Gaz: Too right, mate

Nomad: (Player clears out a room with a silenced M4A1) Is this him?

Price: Yeah, that's him

Gaz: Nikolai! Are you alright? Can you walk?

Nikolai: Yes, and I can still fight. Thank you for getting me out of here. (Nikolai picks up an AK-47)

Price: Big bird this is bravo six. We have the package. Meet us at LZ one. Over.

Pilot: Bravo six, this is big bird. We're on our way, out. Lets go!

Everyone is running full sprint as the helicopter lands and boards the helicopter.

Nikolai: Have the Americans already attacked Al-Asad?

Price: The invasion begins in a matter of hours, why do you ask?

Nikolai: The Americans are making a mistake. They will never take Al-Asad alive.

Next mission: Hunted...

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