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Things carried on as normal,mum and dad argued,I walked jasper then fed him and brushed him.
Mum and dad have calmed down a little,their arguments aren't as long or intense.mum went for a scan yesterday and it turned out she was 6 weeks pregnant! Dad actually became quite excited,mum was excited as well,I was a little but that means that all the attention will be on the new baby. I don't mind that at all,but it means that I'll need to keep busy.I'm so used to being the only child that it'll be strange,I might even become jealous.i doubt at though.i can play with the new baby and help look after it and all sorts,maybe I can take it for a walk in the pram one day!!
Jasper has settled in now,he loves his evening walks to the park and he enjoys his swim but mum isn't too pleased with the fact that I bring a soaking wet smelly dog back into the house.so I have to dry him and bathe him at least once every few days to rinse out the awful river water stench that surrounds him.i also figured out that jasper likes bacon and he isn't mad keen on beef or lamb. His favourite toys are his ball,frisbee and a cloth that he drags everywhere with him,he sleeps with it,walks with it in his mouth and even takes it in the bath with him.grandma used it when he was a puppy to rock him to sleep and he's become very attached to that cloth ever since.their like best friends.jasper and cloth.
He doesn't like sticks or toys that make a noise especially ones that squeak or move on their own. Mum and dad actually quite like living with jasper now,they weren't so happy at first but now they say that I'm quite good at looking after him.
And I heard them speaking about dogs when I was in my bed listening in on their conversation.

Today Ellie took me outside of the garden,she loaded me and mother into the car and we drove to an open field with something called a lake and a few tall things called trees.Ellie said "go on Lola show her how it's done" mother taught me how to run without tumbling over with my clumsy big feet and taught me how to swim not drown.Ellie then began training me on voice commands and then she took us back home and into another field on the side of the house and taught me how to trot and walk nicely around the circle pen.i think I'm doing quite well with my progress don't you?
Mother and Ellie went out in the afternoon so I was left all alone in the conservatory,the door was open so I could go outside if I wanted.i was scared,why had mother and Ellie gone?had they left me forever.no they'll come back I swear,anyway there's plenty to do to keep me occupied at the moment.theres a chew toy,a bone to gnaw on,squeaky toys and the paddling pool was out.so I went for a bit of swimming and I did what mother told me.
Keep your head up,don't get water in your ears,paddle with your legs and don't stop kicking in the water or you'll go under. I even had a go at the trot that Ellie taught me and I seemed alright at that.i was just taking a break under the
Shade of an old oak tree in the corner of the garden when a man walked past with his dog,a grumpy man with a grumpy dog,the dog was short and stubby with small ears and a wrinkly body,it had a big mouth and dribbled a lot.i went to say hello through the fence and I asked him what he was and he snapped at me saying he was a bulldog called chomp and that he didn't want to be messed about with young immature puppies.now I thought that was very rude,mind you some people or dogs can be.

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