Car stopped infront of their college . Before jungkook stepped down of the cars, tae rushed to help him ( protective bf😐)

When the couple entered their block, his friends rushed to the couple to greet. Taehyung know his friends they are just showing their good side to jungkook to impress him. Tae rolled his eyes at the fact.

Jungkook nervously shake his hands with them and greet them back politely.
"Okay guys enough, we will do remaining talk for other day, leave him", taehyung decide to intervene when he saw jungkook feels nervous around new people.

Taehyung friends who are all past their twenties whined when tae told to leave jungkook.

"Taehyung, why are you jealous, we are just talking to him. You've been with him for almost 20 hours. So stop being clingy" ,  seokjin who is a friend of taehyung told him with a little bit teasing.

"What? I'm not with him for 20 hours, what the hell are you saying hyung, here I am yelling at God for not having enough time to spend with him", taehyung growled at his hyung .

Jungkook suddenly got suprised over taehyung's voice but recovered himself with a thought of tae would never yell or didn't even raised his voice little bit, always speaks in sweet tone. Again jungkook blushed at the thought.

Without seeking any reply tae dragged jungkook towards the corner of corridor to speak because their class going to start  in 15 mins.

"Sweetheart, what do you want for lunch"? Tae asked him to make a conversation.

"Anything is fine, hyung" . Jungkook replied him nervously because of the close proximity.

Tae moved closer to his face , jungkook thought that tae will kiss him so he close his eyes tightly. 

Yes , the couple  didn't have their first kiss between them. Tae already has 2 ex , for  Jungkook this is his first relationship. Btw He is 19 , tae is 21.

For taehyung Beauty, 2 exes are not enough and not believable because  he is capable of having more than 5 but tae wants to be sincere to both the girls he dated but God was not agreed to his plan. Both of them are sassy attitude queens and too much flirty with others too , basically not a taehyung's type.

Taehyung just date them because he don't know how to deny their proposals when the both girls literally kneeling infront of him. So he accepted them reluctantly with a thought of spending his life forever with them. But God has another plan.


tae moved his head near him to kiss his forehead and  hugged jungkook's whole body warmly . Jungkook  hummed and smiled in content and they didn't pull away for 15 mins.

"Hyung, where are we going today after school?" Jungkook asked by just raising his head while continue hugging him.

Tae pat his head lovingly and replied , " we are going to park and it's  a nice place to speak especially that place suits for couple!" Tae replied and winked at him.

A bell rang, tae dropped him at the class and bid a bye. Jungkook sat beside his bestfriend jimin who didn't even let a little chance away to tease jungkook.

Jimin saw the jeon-kim couple love dovey in the corridor and took a pic of it   for his future tease.

Someone is in love~~~  not only that, they kissed in the fvcking corridor, do you believe that? , jimin teased his friend  while showing his mobile phone.

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