The billiard

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The next morning y/n woke up at dawn to be able to reach the circuit very early in the morning with her father. After talking to Carlos the night before, y/n had immediately entered her room and had put on her pajamas, but once in bed she had not been able to fall asleep easily. She turned around in the white sheets, thinking of Carlos' eyes. So big and deep, she hadn't been able to hold his gaze. In a certain way they intimidated her, but at the same time they fascinated her, like they managed to wrap her in a sweet but at the same time strong and vigorous hug.

Some years ago, when Carlos signed the contract to race with McLaren, y/n had noticed him joking with Lando Norris, the other McLaren driver. They were very close and according to what they say, they still are. However, busy as she was, she hadn't paid much attention to him, actually she hadn't had the time. Her father had always told her to devote herself exclusively to work and for many years it had been like this. No relationships, no emotional involvements and y/n was fine with that. She loved her job very much and wouldn't let anyone or anything to interfere.
For this reason, she tried in every way not to think about that night meeting, but it was practically impossible for her. As soon as she closed her eyes, she imagined that meeting in front of the elevator. She tried not to think about it anymore, she tried very hard. She had to think about the grand prix and nothing else,  there wasn't space for such a distraction.

Y/ n's thoughts were interrupted when someone opened the car door for her, she had arrived at the paddock without realizing it. She walked towards the Redbull pits without speaking and for the first time she noticed how close the Ferrari pits were to the Redbull ones. For a second she feared meeting him, but then the work took over.

"Good morning, y/n" said a male voice between the shouts and the din of the mechanical machines, but nobody answered. Y/n was focused on looking at data and graphs in her McBook and comparing them with those of the display next to her, but above all she was wearing the hearmuffs.

Suddenly she looked up, attracted by someone making movements with their arms behind the screen of her PC.

"Oh hi Max, I didn't hear you" said y/n pointing to the hearmuffs she had already took off.
"Don't worry, have you already had breakfast?" Max asked, putting his hands in his pockets, like he was afraid that the question might have bother her.
"Yes, I had this morning at the hotel" and without allowing Max a possible answer, she continued "now I'm going back to work". She smiled forcefully and put the headmuffs back on her ears, pretending to look at the PC monitor. She hoped that Max would leave as quickly as possible. Fortunately she didn't have to wait long before he walked away. After an hour, y/n got up from her chair, her back was hurting so she walked around the mechanic area to look closely at Max's car. She really liked that car so much, they had worked hard on it and she could feel satisfied about it. Once near the car, a series of mechanics approached her to greet her and ask her how she was. Y/n talked to them in front of Max's car, almost at the exit of the Redbull box, when at a certain point, with the corner of her eye, she saw a red figure pass by. She turned around and saw him, Carlos. His suit was half worn, despite the fact that it was quite cold. The top of the suite was tied at the waist and he wore a white long sleeved shirt. His hair was covered with a red wool cap but a few black tufts poked here and there.

Even if she didn't ment to, their eyes met for a moment. He smiled at her but he didn't say hello, she smiled back and went back to talking to a mechanic. She continued to follow him with the corner of her eye until she saw him hugging Lando further away, beyond the Redbull box.

She thought that he had passed by just by chance, that he just had to reach his friend, certainly not to see her. She immediately composed herself and once she had greeted the mechanics, she returned to her workstation and waited for the meeting with her father, Max and Sergio Perez, the second driver of the team.

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