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We've been running around the forest for a bit, but suddenly, I start to feel very nauseous. My head is throbbing and my legs are shaking. Pelle notices, and asks me what's wrong. "It might just be low blood preassure. Nothing to worry about." I say with a smile, but deep down I know that this is not going to end well. Suddenly my legs fail me and I fall to the ground. "I think I'm having withdrawal symptoms. Do you have a blade? Something sharp?" Pelle looks at me confused. "I think I'm addicted to harming myself intentionally. Please, Pelle, give me a blade." Pelle slowly hands me a knife and I start to cut my arms. Suddenly I feel fine again. "Thank you." I slowly get up and realise what shit I've fallen into. Guess this is my life now.

A few hours later, Euronymous comes back home, he's brought home some food. So I decided to cook something from what he's bought. I gave him the leftover pancakes, I swear he eats twice as much as me and Pelle together. We all ate the food I made and went back to minding our own business.
I don't know exactly why, but I feel so much closer to Pelle each day.

When It's Cold(Pelle Ohlin x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora