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I honestly think Pelle is very pretty. Not as in I'm attracted to him, but he's pleasing to look at. It feels like we've known eachother for years but it's only been a few weeks since we met. I found out how fascinated by death he is, and why he is so fascinated by it. I have the same obsession, but with blood. I cut my arms and collect my blood to paint with it later sometimes. Pelle always watches me when i do that. He sometimes just licks my blood off my arms, which i find weirdly intimate, but we still see eachother as friends only. We are living in the same room at the moment, it's a peaceful existence. But Pelle and Øystein don't get along too well. Pelle only ever leaves our room when someone brings food.
I help a lot around the house since nobody else does the work. I clean, cook, wash the laundry. I have to force Pelle and Øystein to shower, they're like little kids when it comes to this. I get that they wanna smell like rotting flesh but that endangers everyone around them.
I once painted Pelle with his own blood. He was so fascinated by that. He stares at the painting for hours sometimes. I've only been living here for three weeks, but I feel like in a family. A severely mentally ill family. 

I hate Euronymous, but me and Y/n are inseperable. We are not romantically attracted to eachother though. We're just extremely attached to eachother. They never fail to make me infatuated by their thoughts and personality. Almost as if I was falling for them, but not quite. I don't think I am. I'd have to kill myself if I was. They deserve so much better than me, I'd only slower them down. What am I even saying.. I'm not falling for them.

When It's Cold(Pelle Ohlin x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ