Chapter 3

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                                         " It was kind of...odd?"


The violent wind whispers into the ears comfortingly to the people who knew the language of the woods. No sign of people around the area. The birds singing, squirrels chasing after its partner and curling into a ball in eachothers arms were their only company. The rustling of leaves and the wind accompanied them as they walked towards the Elder Woods. The alluring voice which brought them to the forest now long gone.

The entrance of the forest is awfully quiet, the trio walked side by side in alert. Ammelia's heart wanted to turn and never to look back, but since she is listening to her mind she needed to get over it. The tall trees covering most of their sight, no sign of humans, bushy bushes, leaves fallen to the ground like a thick carpet. What could possibly go wrong?

Ammelia felt a sudden change in the environment, then she knew it, the magic has started to go through the forest. The exact feeling how she felt when she went bungee jumping when she was sixteen. The trio glanced at each other, they are on the right path.

Ammelia took her first step into the forest, whatever happens we face it she thought.

Leaves scrunching under each steps and looking cautiously around, Ammelia's eyes caught something moving to her left, she moved towards that direction and came eye to eye with a rabbit. Everyone was silent until Theo snorted . Laughter filled the air echoing in the Elder woods.

It has been quite a while since they started walking. They had no idea where they were, but something said to move north so they did.

The walk was pretty quiet except for Theo complaining about him getting hungry. He wouldn't stop until Bridget threatened that she would feed him to the wild animals and that shut him up.

Ammelia was not paying attention for what was happening, how is she going to face what is on the other side. she snapped back to reality when Theo poked her with a stick.

'' Poke me again and you will go blind" Threatened Ammelia.

Bridget snorted

Theo visibly gulped and shot a look of betrayal at Bridget.

''Well if you can see-"Ammelia stopped dead on her tracks, Theo continued not noticing Ammelia, " we've been walking-"

Ammelia covered Theo's mouth with her hand to make him stop talking, Theo raised his left eyebrow surprised.

Then they heard it,

"Come seek the hidden..."

"Look beyond you find shelter..."

Chills ran down Ammelia's spine, she recognized this song. It was the song Ammelia kept hearing in her dreams. The song was barely a whisper, the hair rose in her arms. It gave away comfort in a odd way.

The forest was dead silent now.

Ammelia realized her hands were still covering Theo's mouth, she removed it and looked the other way feeling embarrassed.

On the other hand, Theo looks like he achieved something.

They headed towards north again.

" Its where the voice came from too" muttered Bridget.

" It was kind of ..odd?" Theo said.

" I heard it in my dream" Both turned to look at Ammelia.

Bridget opened her mouth to say something but stopped when she heard the song.

''Come seek the hidden..."

At instinct Ammelia's hand reached for Theo's, he took it and gave it a gentle squeeze.

" Look beyond you find shelter..."

"Magic flows beneath..."

" Don't look deeper you will fall..."

The song was loud and clear. It started to fade away now the forest stayed in silent as if watching their next move.

" Its a riddle isn't it?" Theo broke the silence.

" yeah it sounds like a riddle" answered Bridget

" We have to keep on walking" interrupted Ammelia.

What was the riddle supposed to mean? she had no answer for it. The sun started setting on the other side of the elder woods. The birds started to fly towards their nests and warmed themselves within the nest. A cold breeze hugged her comfortingly. Ammelia shook off her hand from Theo's grasp and moved forward leaving her two friends confused.

So many thoughts are running through her head. She knew whatever going to happen isn't some sort of simple teenage fun. Its something she never knew will happen. Her friends agreed to help her in a blink but when she thinks about the things might happen to them. What if she loose them? she promised her parents that she would return, what if she doesn't make it? she shuddered at the thought.

She brushed off the negative thoughts as they neared a clearing. Ammelia said to herself you live only once so fuck it.

For her surprise the clearing didn't have any long grass like the other part of the forest, there were no trees. This part of the forest seems like its bein maintained my someone. She took a good look around.

Her blood ran cold.

On the other side of the clearing there was the tunnel.

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