Chapter 1

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A/N This is spawned from a 'what would you do if you were isekai'ed into Genshin' scenario that me and my friend had a discussion about (Keep in mind that we kept the game's system intact) . If this story seems unrealistic;

a) It's literally being written and  published on Wattpad.

b) this is inspired by all my personal responses to this hypothetical scenario and my thought process might be completely different to somebody else's.

Flashback to my friend who said they would fuck a mitachurl (i'm not kink shaming, just stating).

c)I've literally been living in a fever dream for the past 2 years, my sense of reality has been eviscerated

d)eez nutz

e)I'm depressed

Also Im AroAce (Aromantic and Asexual) so don't expect any romance or seggs. Just some extremely sussy bullshit 🥶

No Beta! We die like the twin my dad apparently ate in the womb

T/W: Consumption of alcohol and swearing


A long time ago- approximately a month ago, Georgia had naïvely believed that the idea of being reincarnated and/or isekai'ed into a different world would've been a fun and educational experience; but now that she- by some big cosmic joke, had a first hand experience of what living and surviving in another world meant, she retracted her statement wholeheartedly and threw in a little bit of mental beseeching to the one true God, MiHoYo(verse), in hopes that it would grant her the much needed patience that she lacked when dealing with a certain God of Freedom.

She didn't want this Sword Art Online bullshit, what she wanted was a good explanation as to why she had woken up one day with a- what she assumed at the time was an impeccable Venti cosplayer hovering over her; or Archons so help themselves as she was going to make balloon animals out of their intestines when she hunts every last one of them down, her pathetic and underwhelming strength (or lack thereof) be damned.

"Venti, this is your twentieth drink in a hour and you still haven't paid me back for the very expensive tab from last night"

"Only my twentieth? Well guess I better get chuggin'. Hey Charles! five more glasses of your finest Dandelion wine for the bard please!"

Charles sighed in resignation, ignoring the fact that Georgia was about to actively fistfight the bard in front of her.

"Does living in the City of Freedom mean freedom from responsibility and debt too?" Georgia muttered, ignoring the gaze of pity from Charles as he poured another pint with her approval.

"Now that's a discussion I'm too sober for!" Venti replied cheerfully as he hastily chugged down the pint in his hands- which would've been impressive if Georgia wasn't already made painstakingly aware of how much this guy could drink.

'So much for distancing myself from major plotline characters'

How did this happen? Why was she being leeched off from by a literal fucking God? Is this some sort of cruel joke to punish her for taking her previous life in her old world for granted? Georgia's internal lamenting was left unnoticed by the God of Anemo as he chugged the beverage down before letting out a tiny hiccup at the end.

Philosophies of Plot Avoidance [A Genshin Isekai fic]Where stories live. Discover now