chapter 10

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Duryodhan's pov

'He is their jyeshta..? Wait.. that means he is my jyeshta too..? no no they are not my brothers' I thought. the one who we found out to be our ' cousin' started coming towards us but we just went out of there ignoring him

"Mere bacche" I heard and turned around to see mamashree looking very displeased "why what happened mamashree you look like you just ate karela" asked dusshasan
Mamashree's already bad mood worsened and I heeld my urge to laugh and give a glare to dusshasan to make him stop

Suddenly a das came there informing us that pitashree called everyone to the rajya sabha

We all went to the rajya sabha shortly after us the pandavas arrived too then kakashree vidur announced about a competition being held tommorow to showcase our skills

The rajya sabha got dismissed and everyone went to their chamber

Next day in arena

The 99 kauravas showcased their skills and knowledge vikarn and yuyutsu excelling in archery dusshasan in sword and so on

Then comes duryodhan weilding his mace and is first apponent being the spear weilding yudhishtira

Duryodhan wins the match then fights with bheem then nakula and sahadev his arrogance was reaching its peak defeating the 4 pandavas

Though it was about to be shattered when the announcement of dhanjaya entering the arena was made

Sensing that 'the who never misses his aim' will certainly be able to win the match against duryodhan the cunning ghandhar raj prepared a surprise

As arjuna was entering through the dhwar after a signal from shakuni the dhwar collapsed onto him everyone gasped kunti's hands trembled tears forming In her eyes

Suddenly an arrow came cutting through the air not letting kunti's tear touch the ground and returned back to its releaser

Arjun cought the arrow and applied the tear drop as tilak his warrior eyes move to his mamashree supposedly the one who planned this

He gave a reassuring smile to his mother and lifted his bow to fight his agraj duryodhan rushed at him like a mad elephant swinging his mace

Arjuna quickly releases his arrow freezing half of duryodhan's body and released another arrow to knock down the weapon

As duryodhan was unable to move arjuna is declared the winner guru dronacharya came in front saying how his student is the greatest archer in aryavart

Though shakuni had a smile plastered across his face internally he was quite angry seeing his plan fail but another one popped in his head as his smile turned to a smirk

"Wait.. wait guru dronacharya we still have to see the Suryaputra's skill we should then decide who is great right putra arjuna

Arjuna didn't say anything as his grip on his bow tightned he realized this is his dear mamashree's new plan to make a gap between him and his brother

ghandhar raj continued dramatically "why putra arjun don't tell me you're afraid don't you want to prove that you are shrestha?"

"Yes they both should have a duel" a melodies voice rang through the arena
Everyone turned their attention to that direction

There stood the lotus eyed murli manohar with a smile adoring his face
And next to him stood bhagwaan parshuram ji his facial expressions a mix of calmness and seriousnes

Karna drona and bhishm came there and took blessings from parshuram ji everyone was surprised at the arrival of dwarkadhish and bhagwaan parshuram

Bhagwaan parshuram ji came forward and tell them to begin the duel arjuna and karna's eyes meet and they give each other a knowing smile

Shakuni smirked at his plan working thinking to create a rift between then as they will compete with each other to win
But what happened next shattered his expectations

Arjun released his arrow first and it landed just ahed of karna's feet as if taking blessings karna smiled and released another arrow in the air towards arjun the one arrow multipled itself and then turned into flowers showering savyasachi

Everyone admired the brothers bond well not everyone as shakuni looked like his eyes will pop out from Surprise

"What is going on here? Shakuni said agitated at the scean in front of him the mischievous makkan chor turned around saying "what are you saying mamashree you are the one who suggested the duel... are you perhaps having memory problem because of old age "

shakuni flushed red in anger and emabarrsment "I..I didn't say them to have a friendly duel" shakuni answered
" How they duel is there choice *gasping dramatically* don't tell me mamashree you expect the two brothers to fight seriously like they are in war" said shree krishna

"no no vasudev you are misunderstanding I was only asking " shakuni said with toothy smile and sat down knowing he can't win against vasudev shree krishna
(Shakuni shocked madhav rocked)

The friendly duel continued till sunset and it was announced as a tie parshuram ji came forward and said " drona...look they both are equal everyone has their accomplishments and flaws we should always try to be better not great arjun is an excellent archer indeed but you shouldn't say he is the greatest he still has a lot to learn and I am sure he will become an even excellent archer in the future"

Dronacharya understood his mistake and agreed with parshuram ji and the kala pradarshan ended

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