chapter 1

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The great protector laid peacefully with   his Shri by his side with the thoughtful expression when a mysterious smile made its way to the preserver's lips "what are you thinking about swami" asked the curious goddess who was observing her husband's expression

"about aryavarth priye"answered the almighty his eyes closed and continues"sometimes people think that if every thing is meant to happen there is no need to put effort but as we get phal (result) for the karma (deeds) we do, same way the decisions we take can have impact on the future sometimes for better and sometimes for worse "

The goddess nodded thoughtfully and said "but fate cannot be changed so easily" "yes priye this time their choices will be different but would the fate change or will it remain the same we have to see"


In Forest

A woman draped in simple clothes was chanting mantras in front of shivaling trying to calm her turbulent mind opposite to the facial expression she had

The wild storm of guilt and regret growing each passing second as she kept remembering the past the mistake she has done she continued chanting mantras when she suddenly heard a divine voice "reveal the truth"her eyes shot open in shock as she looked bewildered ,the woman is kunti first wife of maharaj pandu

Before she could react she heard some voices  kunti turned to see her Arya and children coming home after finishing their training  and went outside to them pretending that everything is fine.

Later that day at evening

as the red and orange hues coloured the sky indicating Surya deva's defarture as pritha sat on a rock facing the sunset her mind filled with confusion and doubts 'should she tell the truth? How will her family react? Would they accept her elder son?' these thoughts keep swirling inside her head

Soon night time came and after dinner everyone retired to sleep kunti still deep in thought closed her eyes trying to sleep after sometime she drifted into slumber and saw a young maiden singing lullaby to a baby the baby has the radiance of sun and kundals she saw as the girl floated the basket containing the baby with heavy heart, tears slipped kunti's eyes as she screamed "NO" and woke up with jolt realising it was a dream

She did her morning puja and saw her kids playing and she drifted to her thoughts "priye?"kunti jumped slightly in surprise seeing her Arya and madri "jiji.. me and Arya can see the sadness in your eyes please tell us what is troubling you"said madri "yes priye tell us and lessen your burden"  continued pandu 'should I tell them? yes I should they deserve to know the truth' "Arya.. I ..I...

Will kunti reveal the truth?
If she did How will pandu and madri react?

Thank you for reading
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It's our first attempt so sorry for any mistakes
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