chapter 4

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Karna's  pov

I was sitting by the shore of ganga
My quest of finding a teacher to teach me archery hasn't progressed much after being rejected many times I thought to go to bhagwaan parshuram ji but found out that he only teaches bhraminas

As I was thinking about what to do an  idea came to me 'what if I dress up as a bhramina ?' I wouldn't tell him I am a bhramina I would only dress as one '
It's the only solution left I should try it
I thought and got up to leave when I heard someone say  "don't do this mistake putra.." I turned around  and saw a devine person radiant like sun and even though I have never seen this person before he felt fimiliar and an unknown happiness coverd me I came out of my trance and asked "aap..?"

"I am Surya Deva putra your spiritual father" to say I am shocked would be an understatement "but how can that be? Iam son of maa radha and pitashree adirath " yes putra but you are  born from my mantra Prasad your birth mata is not adirath patni radha , your birth mother is kuntibhoj's rajkumari ,maharaj vasudev's sister , and maharaj pandu's
Wife maharani kunti

"WHAT? ..How can this be.. " was all I was able to utter my mind filled with confusion  Surya Deva told everything about my birth how my mother flotted me in a basket I was unable to digest this then I heard a voice say "it is true putra we found you in the river in a basket with lotus " it was my pitashree who had tears in his eyes and next to him was radha ma who was crying continuesly

She then walked towards me and hugged me saying"I am sorry putra I should have told you this" "no maa why are you apologizing ? I am greatful to you , you have taken such great care of me maa " I said  tears slipped down my cheeks

As I turned to my newly found spiritual father " why did you reveal the truth to me now Surya Dev?" I asked " because it was the right time putra and you were choosing a wrong path putra lying to your guru is not good it would cost you dangerous consiquenes in future  I will take you to lord parshuram ji myself and ask him to teach you "

I took blessings from mata and pitashree before leaving  and they blessed me wholeheartedly

Surya Dev took me to lord parshuram ji and explained the situation and requested to teach me , parshuram ji agreed and pitashree Surya Dev was about to leave but I stopped him and asked "will they accept me?"

"Of course putra they all love you" he replied I took blessings from him and he blessed me and deparchered .

Finally the truth part got completed
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