fans X paparazzi

126 2 0

recap :
waiter - okay it will be ready in few
marc - okay
tim - so do you guys always come here ?
marc - nope
noah - guys
marc - yea ?
noah - can y ( get interrupted )
FAN 1 : noah beck i'm a huge fan of you , can i please take a picture with you ?
noah - ofc !
FAN 2 : me too !!!!
noah - okaayyyy
( they took the pictures )
FAN 1 : omg ! charli d'amelio is here also !
FAN 2 : omg !!!! charli can we take pictures with you as well ?
charli - yes guys , ofc you can
( they took the pictures as well )
BOTH FAN : thank you guys so much and sorry for interrupting you guys
noah - no problem guys
marc - so this is how we will handle 2 influencers
( everyone chuckle )
tim - noah continue what u was saying 
noah - ohhh yea , so guys . what's the story behind the "dude" thing ?
tatum - YESSS ! tell us !
marc - you guys really want to know ?
noah - yes
tim - okay
haley - so ?
tim - it's nothing honestly.  just we promised to call each other "dude" so we feel like we are younger, and so we don't feel like we are grown ups
marc - exactly
tatum - oohhhhh
noah - i see , you guys not old tho !
tim - yes we are
amy - no
heidi - guys we have a long day tomorrow so please make sure to eat well and rest  when we go to the hotel
charli - yes ma'am
dixie - i will sleep with the girls
charli - sure , you can come
fast forward 15m later the food is here
tatum - this look sooooo gooood !!!
amy - well eat well
( they started eating , everyone is eating but dixie ) " fast forward after dinner "
noah - that was so good , thank you guys
marc - you are welcome !
tatum - really loved the dessert
heidi - im glad
tim - let's go ?
amy - yea
( they went outside the restaurant )
PAPARAZZI 1 : noah and charli how have you guys been ?
noah - good good thank you and you ?
charli - it's been good how about you ?
PAPARAZZI 1 : good good
PAPARAZZI 2 : noah where is your girlfriend ?
PAPARAZZI 3 : charli what are you planning to do in the future ?
PAPARAZZI 4 : noah and charli how you guys know each other ?
FAN 1 : noah beckkkk can i take picture with you
noah - sure ! , oh man it's a long story
charli - yes , you guys will know soon enough !
( many fans came to take pictures with all of them including the families ! . until the security took both families to the car  )
( while walking to the car  : )
noah - sorry guys we got to go but nice meeting you guys
charli - we had so much fun !
the families - nice to meet you guys
( they went to the car )
marc - oh lord over 100 people just stopped by for us , so thankful !
tim - yesss
to be continued
support me guys please. love you all and stay safe and hydrated , what do u think will happen ? 💖 .

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