i walk down the stairs into the common room and see pansy sitting with draco and enzo on the sofa, and mattheo sitting on the other side of the room, writing something in a book. he's probably annotating, not that i care.

i make my way towards the three people infront of me. 'hi draco' i say

'hey mira. you were up there for a couple hours. you alright?' draco asks

'yes i'm fine' i smile

'hi mira' enzo says

'what's up' i reply, looking over at pansy who is just staring at me blankly

'hi?' i say confused

'hey...' pansy answers

'draco can i sit here?' i ask him, pulling a chair out

'go ahead' he smiles

pansy glares at me as i sit down, i notice and can't help but say something 'problem?' i spit at her

'no.' she says with a sarcastic smile

i just roll my eyes at her, and try to ignore her presence for the remainder of the time she was sitting there

eventually she got up and left, so it was just me, draco and enzo sitting and talking

'what's your favourite thing about me' enzo asks me out of nowhere

'i like your hair, actually no i like how no matter how much i try to hate you, it never works' i start to chuckle

'so you like me aye' enzo says, looking like i just boosted his ego or something, even though we both knew deep down that i never really hated him, it was just a joke

'shut up' i laugh, looking across the room at mattheo who is staring at me

i throw him a dirty look, and look away back at the two boys sitting infront of me

'i know this is random, but do you wanna get drunk right now?' i ask the boys

'fuck yeah' enzo exclaims

'jesus mira, it's your first day back' draco says concerned

'draco, c'mon. have a little fun' i say with a smile as i nudge him a bit

'sure, fine. but don't be stupid' draco finally caves in

'lets go!' i say, grabbing enzo and dracos hands and running upstairs towards my dorm

we enter my dorm, and i immediately run to my mini cabinet with all the alcohol i swore i wouldn't touch from the last time i was here, but times change i guess.

i grab a stack of shot cups and a full bottle of smirnoff vodka, and sit them down on a little table

enzo looks like he's about to loose it, almost shaking from excitement as i pour the vodka into each cup evenly

'can we play a drinking game instead of just getting immediately pissed?' draco asks

'yeah, what game though?' i ask

'truth of dare, but if you back out you have to take a shot' enzo suggests

'lets do it' i say

'okay mira, truth or dare?' draco asks me

'truth' i say, playing it safe for the first round

'which slytherin do you hate the most, and what slytherin do you like the most' draco asks, even though i'm pretty sure he knows the answer

'i fucking hate mattheo, and astoria greengrass' i say

'and you're my fav slytherin' i say as i smile at draco

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