Part 5

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My eyes are watering like water fall. My foot sticked on old needle and it hurts like hell, you know I'm not a fan of pain and I can't bear it. Yeah I'm bawling like a baby....
Aaaahhhh... Ooohhh.. Maaaa..
My mom and dad came to me and took me inside. They took me to my room and helped me on my bed I can't put my foot as it sticked under my leg. Everybody was watching my agony.
What happened here??
Shamsher voice heard from behind. Everyone made way for him.. He looked at my foot and sat beside me.
She stepped on an old needle ad hurt herself. My friend filled the story parts..
He came to look at my foot, there I crossed the line, look don't touch...
Don't touch... It hurts... I grabbed his wrist from touching my foot. He glared at me..
Look, I can't treat it without touching, otherwise it will get infected.. He sighed
Who said to treat it, it will get healed normally, I will take rest.. Everybody go.. I decision.
R u out of your mind??? R u a doctor?? He shouted at me.. I was little scared with his tone..
Haala don't be stubborn, its for your good, now stop the tantrum and let him treat it..
My father said sternly and everybody agreed with him.. Traitors... I'm Hella scared is an understatement.
Adil, please bring my medical kit from room. He told my cousin to bring God knows what 😭.
He took my leg in his lap and looked, he brought water and cleaned with it. He worked very efficiently, he looks so good when he work carefully, till now there is no pain, god please help me. He cleaned the area. Then adil came with his kit.
Adil Pls take the scalpel, there is a small piece sticking on the leg.  Adil gave him the scalpel, oh my god god I'm not going to allow him stick even if I'm going to die with infection. He came towards me. I took my foot back flailed my arms....
Nooo... I don't want it.....
I tried to get up but that monster took me in his grip.
Can you just relax.... Please  hold her... They held me..  I begged and cried... I'm not going to forgive them... I closed my eyes tight.. I can feel him taking the needles out.
Ouch.... Aah...

I cried hard..
Don't cry haala it will over soon... My mother hugged me..
Soon the ordeal was over , he bandaged my foot beautifully, jerk..!!
He looked at me in cold face.. I glared back at him.. He looked away.. Yeah don't play with me emotionless face.

I have to give her a tetanus shot, Pls step outside. He told everyone and they nodded in understanding..
Whaattt!! I don't need a shot... Pls don't gooo...
They threw a sympathy look at me and stepped out side. He went and locked  the door.
Why they can't stay here... I want them here.. I don't want a shot...
I said angrily.
He looked at me and said sternly
U need a shot and they can't stay here because it goes in the bigger  muscle so for your own privacy..
I looked at him confused... Privacy.. Bigger muscle.. Then it hit me its going in my butt.... I opened my mouth and looked at him..

Did I  see him smirrk....!!! ???

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