chapter 49

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The week before the semi-final fell into a strange balance. Just like his parents had done the last term, they were back to fighting and staying as little as possible at home. His mum would ask him to come home for dinner in the evenings, but it wasn’t often his father would join them. In a way, it felt kind of good that things were returning to normal. It wasn’t great, but Harry had begun accepting that things would never feel great again. He was ready to leave this house behind and go off to Chelsea, or United if he could.
God, he wanted Manchester. He wanted to go there so badly, and he wanted Louis to go with him. Chelsea had become the backup. Suddenly, it didn’t matter whether or not he could have everything he wanted at Chelsea. He just wanted to wear red and play side by side with Louis.

Louis was a great player. He was smart and had a crafty and unconventional mind for the game that often gave way to success. Furthermore, when he actually saw Harry out there on the pitch, it was pure magic. Harry regretted that they’d hated each other so much over the past years. He regretted the games they hadn’t won because of it. Now, Louis could feel where Harry was on the pitch with his eyes closed. Harry didn’t need to shout. He didn’t need to wave frustratedly and beg for the ball to be passed. Louis knew where he was, and he was no longer afraid to give him the chance to score. It felt like alchemy.

Moreso, Louis was alchemy. He’d turned into gold. Over the months since his birthday, Harry had stopped expecting disappointment. He had stopped expecting to get hurt by Louis’ words sooner or later. Louis never disappointed anymore, and it made it easier to believe they had something real. It was harder to imagine that Louis wasn’t just as in love when his words were ever caring.

One day before training, Harry was in the locker room. It was empty, at least twenty minutes until practice started, and he’d already changed into his training kit. His cleats were unlaced on his feet when Louis walked in, early as usual, with his bag hung over his shoulder. His face lit up in a smile as he spotted Harry on the bench.

“Oi,” he called.

“Hey,” Harry smiled. He watched Louis drop his bag on the floor and kick off his sneakers. He removed his shirt and began changing into the red kit in swift movements. Harry watched his bare skin for a minute, liking the way his muscles moved and tensed with each change of direction his body made.

When Louis turned around eventually, he found Harry staring at him. He arched a brow. “Watching me change, Styles?”


Louis only grinned, sparkles playing in his blue depths. His fringe dipped into his eyes, but it only made him look more beautiful.

“C’mere,” said Louis once he’d finished changing.

He extended his hand, and Harry took it with ease. He tugged him around the row of lockers, hiding them from view in case anyone should walk in. Harry followed and soon found himself leaning back against the lockers, Louis fitting himself in right by his side. Harry wrapped his arm around his neck and held him tightly. It was the best feeling in the world. After all day at school, finally getting to breathe in Louis was like taking his off shoes after being up and about all day. It was a release. Nothing felt better.

They remained silent. Louis didn’t try to talk, almost as if he liked the quiet comfort just as much as Harry did. He didn’t know how many minutes they stood like that, holding each other, leaning against the locker. Harry could have stayed all night.

“Did you know that dolphins are the only animals that have sex for pleasure?” he said after a while.

Louis opened his eyes and blankly stared up at him.

Harry cleared his throat. “Like, except for humans.”

“How did you learn that?”

“Facts about dolphins dot com.”

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