chapter 14

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They’d had a talk, of sorts, he supposed. Personally, Harry didn’t need to know more.
Louis didn’t bring it up again. He’d wanted to discuss it, and Harry had well… just wanted to know if Louis wanted to discuss it. However, whatever this was, it was extremely okay with Harry.

It appeared to be extremely okay with Louis, too. That week flew by, and by Friday the two of them had ended up getting off against each other one more time. Louis had looked delicious in a t-shirt that emphasised his physique and Harry hadn’t been able to keep his hands off his chest. Remembering Louis’ breath against his skin through his shirt, and the sound of his moans from the low of his throat… It was impossible. It was downright unreasonable to refuse himself the feeling of that stupidly fit person against himself when Louis allowed it.

And like that, the weeks seemed to fly by. Louis kept ignoring Harry, and Harry acted as though nothing had changed between them. Except that Harry always thought about touching Louis, and Louis in private perpetually gave him permission to do so. Nothing really had changed between them, honestly, except they were shagging on the regular now. They still didn’t talk to other, and they still fought during practice. Even though Louis was fucking him, he was still the same person and Harry didn’t like him any better. More importantly, the sex simply kept on being maddeningly pleasing, and no matter if Louis was lacking a few brain cells he was certainly getting better and better at touching Harry. It was electric.

Furthermore, there was something immeasurably pleasing about the way Louis melted under him. No matter how much they despised each other during football, it was addictively satisfying to Harry how Louis entirely gave himself away so easily under his hold. The minute they’d touch, Louis was so effortlessly convinced that everything was a good idea. Even if it was inside the Rover, or the locker room at school. The thing was, whenever they touched, it felt good. Harry really liked that feeling.

The first few times they hooked up after the car blow job, it happened at school like most of their previous incidents. However, the first time they ended up at Louis’ house again, it was by invitation. Harry had stridden into the locker room, finding it entirely empty except for Louis, who was organising a pile of papers on top of a bench.

Louis lifted his chin, keeping his head high. “Hey.”

It was a bit surprising that he was saying hello at all. The usual conversation only involved words like fuck me from Harry’s side and Louis’ pointless remarks of how much Harry must love him that were ultimately crushed into dust when Harry made him come and reminded him how much they both enjoyed this arrangement.

“What’s up,” said Harry and dropped his bag on the floor. The last time they interacted, they had fooled around in Harry’s car after footie practice a couple of days before. Louis’ hairline had been wet with sweat afterward, and Harry had needed to bite his lips not to moan too loudly against Louis’ shoulder.

Louis nodded to the other side of the wall of lockers, to the part of the room that was hidden from view should anyone open the locker room door. Harry followed him and ended up leaning back against the wall as he watched Louis.

“This is the quiz.”

Harry raised a brow. “Quiz?”

“To see how much they’ve been listening during practice.”

“How anal,” said Harry, but smirked as Louis’ sent him an unimpressed look.

“You’re funny,” he replied, but there was no humour in his voice. He put the papers down on the nearest bench, but his blue eyes never left him. He slowly walked forward, and grabbed the shirt Harry was wearing, knotting it up in his hand right above his belly button.

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