chapter 44

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“Hello, Mrs. Tomlinson.” He waved, and immediately regretted it. What did someone usually do with their hands? He felt his cheeks warm.

Mrs. Tomlinson began undoing her blankets from her body and unwrapped her arm from Lottie’s shoulders, but she looked tired doing so. Something in Harry didn’t want to steal rest from her, especially not for something as stupid as a polite handshake.

“No, no, it’s fine. Don’t get up. It’s okay, we don’t want to bother you. We were just going to say hi.” He glanced at Louis, for a second desperate for help, and Louis actually nodded, affirmatively. Harry breathed again. “Hi,” he added.

After a second of silence, Louis cleared his throat. “Yeah, we’re headed upstairs.”

Instantly, Lottie scoffed. The noise was loud, and to Harry, it was evident she hadn’t forgiven Louis yet. Mrs. Tomlinson didn’t seem to think anything of it, though, and just nodded and smiled as Louis tugged Harry backward.

“See you later,” he said, and pulled Harry into the kitchen.

“Does she hate me?” he winced.

“No. She’s probably just confused.” Louis leaned against the worktop, picking up a teacup from the surface.

“Yeah.” Harry shivered. He grabbed Louis’ cup and swallowed down a large gulp of lukewarm tea. Louis’ fingers slapped against him.

“Mine.” He looked up at Harry, eyes wary for a second as he took a bite of a piece of toast. “How come your parents weren’t surprised?”

Harry felt an anxious wave wash over him at the question. Louis didn’t know the bullshit his parents had put him through. He wasn’t especially eager to go over it, either. He swallowed another sip of tea that really should’ve been hotter to taste good. He didn’t want to ignore the question, though, as Louis probably would have. He didn’t mind the feeling of letting Louis know him better.

“Football is like… It isn’t important.”

“But you love football.” He frowned, like it didn’t sit right with him.

“But it’s not important enough.” Not to them. To them, football only turned okay when they realised it was easier to accept than his sexuality. He felt the pain rise within him, and he turned away from Louis slightly, forcing an even expression onto his face. He put the teacup down on the worktop.

He felt a hand at the small of his back, gently steering him forwards. It stayed there as they headed towards the stairs, and as they hit the hallway, Harry felt Louis’ fingers, cold but simultaneously warm, slide under his hoodie, touching his bare skin. Shivers ran across his back, and once again he was lost in a fantasy world where touches like these were the norm.

“Honey?” Mrs.Tomlinson’s voice interrupted their steps.

Louis stopped, leaned back to glance into the living room, next to the stairs.

His mother continued, “Before you go and disappear upstairs, I was going to tell you today. In two weeks, the girls and I are going away for the weekend. Just Lots, Fizzy and I. We’re headed to a spa, get some relaxing and bonding time in, you know? Just us girls.”

“Lovely.” Louis’ hand tightened around Harry’s shirt, hard.


Louis ignored her and began up the stairs. Harry followed in a rush. Louis placed his piece of toast on the desk, and then fell down on the bed dramatically. His head landed flatly on the mattress, face hidden in a pillow at the headboard. Slowly, Harry sat down against it, pulling his knees towards himself.

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