Ch 6

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Sasuke had returned to the Uchiha compound after hearing the death of his brother he collapses on the floor clutching his head tightly.

"why... Why... Why!!??"

That was all he said before getting an image his own brother who had slaughtered his family and cannot find the reason why he did it.

Sasuke took out a kunai on the floor where he left it. He slits his throats causing him to choke on his blood before collapsing dead as his blood trail under the feat of a mysterious figure who had seen it all.


Naruto appears in his apartment before he instantly perceived Sasuke's death.

"what the?" Naruto Vanished and appeared besides the corpse of Sasuke and looked the other way noticing another version of himself who stood motionless with no expression on his face who wore casual clothes people with no training in the leaf.

Naruto sighed knowing that it's his psychopathy version of himself. He knew he did not kill his teammate but something did not add on. "Why did he die?"

Naruto asked his personality resulting the entity to shrug at this question. "Do you expect to answer to you? You have already seen it all?"

"Yes I did but why would he take his life?" Naruto asked.

The entity sighed. "Due to his trauma that he received after the death of his parents caused by his brother has scared him for his entire life. Everyday this boy thinks about his trauma and had a goal to end it. And now that goal is taken away from him resulting a break down. Knowing that he was too weak to end it himself. He could not get rid of the images so he took his own life."

Naruto understood everything in detailed."So he is not an avenger. He is just running away from his problems and his brother is getting in the way. The more you run away from problems the worse it gets. He went from idolizing his own brother and then fears his idol, such injustice to be perceived, it's not like his existence bares any significance. "

The entity smiles."At least we can both agree on something."

The entity vanishes as Naruto walks up to the corpse before all the blood returns to it as Sasuke stands up opening his eyes

At a moment everyone's minds altered to forget that the akatsuki had made an appearance as Kisame and Itachi would reform from dust walking away from the leaf

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At a moment everyone's minds altered to forget that the akatsuki had made an appearance as Kisame and Itachi would reform from dust walking away from the leaf.

"What were we doing again?" Kisame asked confusedly

Itachi shrugged about the question as he was also confused about something. "I have no idea, I should have sworn I saw a vision."

"A vision?" Kisame raised an eye brow while Itachi nods. "Yes the day both of us died."

Kisame shrugged. "That's unexpected, let's hope we forget about it.."


3 years later

By dawn, both Naruto and sasuke appear with a decapitated head of orochimaru infront of the Hokage named Kuro.

Kuro would have his eyes on the Uchiha wearing a white coat with a katana placed on its sheath on his back along with a decapitated snake sanin.

"To be sanins you replace the sanins... " Kuro tosses a scroll only for sasuke to catch before opening it which is a map for a certain location.

"Slug sanin in a local tavern and Mount Myōboku, first bring one dead body here and burn down the realm, no need to bring down Toad sanin since he is about to face his demise in the land of rain." Kuro said dismissing Sasuke for another run for his time.

Naruto stood behind looking at Kuro curiously."That's a large plot twist there?"

Kuro chuckled. "What can I say. It's a story that's worth reading."

"Well why did you lie to him about jiraiya Goin after the akatsuki?" Naruto asked

Kuro smiled. "I am giving that Toad sanin a reason to go after them once that Uchiha strikes them down."

Sasuke appears out of a portal the lead him to a tavern where he sees a blonde women sitting infront of Jiraiya.

"Well the old man isn't my target so I'll just have to give him a beter reason to approach the Akatsuki." Sasuke thought to him before using the transformation jutsu acquiring him to wear a black robe with red clouds patterned with a hermit hat that covers his face.

He flared his sharingan at woman carrying a small big before they both drop to the ground burning alive with black flames as it consumed them instantly before the screamed.

Jiraiay and Tusnade looked in horror and shock that a sudden death had appeared. Jiraiya looked to his side noticing an akatsuki member who entered the tavern.

"What I thought he's guys are looking for tailed beast but this looks like an assassination, what's going on!?!" Jiraiya thought.

In an instant a large snake wrapped up Jiraiya's who looked at the intruder which looks like the snake came from the sleeves of the man.

Jiraiya assumed it was Orochimaru before he was pulled then kicked away sending him through a wall.

Tsunade had got into her fighting stance thinking that the intruder is her old teammate that had become a traitor.

"Orochimaru.... You have a nerve to interrupt me at a time like....." she was cut out from her words realizing it wasn't the person who she thought was after she had seen a sharingan staringan staring down at her causing her to be trapped in a paralysis.

"Damnit I can't move!!??" Tsunade thought before Sasuke took a hold on her face extracting her soul before drawing up his katana cutting off her upper body which he took hold off and dissappeared through a portal.

Jiraiya recovered only to look pale once he sees tsunade dead only her lower body remains.

"Those bastards really done it now...." His body shook in rage clenching his fist before the hole tavern gets blow apart through his wind release.

"They will pay!!!"

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