Ch 5

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Naruto wandered around the streets of konoha and finally the people taht hated him no longer looked at him with contempt anymore which is replaced with fear.

Suddenly Naruto is driven to a void where was before. He sees a enigmatic version of himself woukd say.

"Dumbass why deal with conflict rather than changing it?"

Nsruto narrowed his eyes not liking to be told what to do especially if it is  himself telling him what's the right way to do.

"I don't need your lecture....." and then naruto was brought back to reality and thought of a solution. Time went past with everyone's minds and intentions were altered as naruto perceived how he had defeated neji without breaking a sweat and how orochimaru attacked the leaf until he was in a forest where his team was chasing down the sand siblings and so far defeated with until the process stops as naruto stood infront of gaara on his knees who looked at naruto with great fear but at the same time with hate.

Naruto didn't care to bother to look at his memories but he knows what kind of person gaara would turn out to be if he does not do something.

"listen carefully." Naruto says meeting the red haired's attention.

"Whatever you are doing with this power of yours. It does not look like you very wise of using it. But just to let you know, you are not special. I can name a thousand people who lived in the same pain as we did. At least you have family and atleast you have a whole village to rule. You have power but you don't know how to use this, realize this until you know what true power feels like."

By that Naruto vanishes leaving gaara speechless.


After some time later hiruzen's funeral had be established and everything naruto intended is according to the script he had envisioned in his will.

Naruto would walk around konoha thinking. "Hokage huh, for starters, I am starting to feel like it's meaningless now since I am the author of this story."

Naruto would approach a man knowned as jiraiya noticing how he is peeping upon the woman's rooms. I just watched on until he notices. "Hmm hey there kid... Are you here for an autograph?"

Naruto squinted his eyes, despite he is displeased about jiraiya's character but he cannot bring himself to blame him since he is part of a script he did not know was his.

"No just passing by...." Naruto replied

"Oh alright...." Jiraiya left the him alone after the encounter.

Naruto knowing that he owns it all he feels like he is all alone and everyone he sees are not real, but rather just characters he made, but he it does not bother him that much as he vanishes and appears infront of a new hokage with blue hair and red eyes and looked about an age of 20.

Naruto knew this character he introduced in the story would be the new hokage.

"Are you firm that no one knows that everyone is part of a script and about you Kuro?" Naruto asked

Kuro scoffed. "No, I have not told anybody about you or me, I am starting to enjoy this game of yours, also. The so called akasuki are here in the leaf looking for you, do you take action or I should take action because from what I see. Your sensei Kakashi is making an approach."

Naruto smiled knowing what to do and Kuro noticed this smirked as well knowing how this would play out.

Naruto vanishes and appears besides the area where guy and Kakashi face the likes of itachi and kisame standing on the lake water.

Naruto cannot be seen but watched how the battle played out.


Kakashi flared his red eye with 3 tomoes at Itachi. "First you bring your clan to the grave and now you have the audacity to bring Naruto along with them. Be prepared because I will make sure you regret returning to the leaf."

Itachi looked at him with a blank expression before he flared his own set of red eyes known as the sharingan attempting to place him in a genjutsu but to his surprise Kakashi breaks out without effort and with a speed he wasn't able to perceive received kick to the face sending Itachi meters back before catching his feet maintaining balance get receiving a jap to the chest  causing him to cough up blood and the sight of this had surprised kisame.

"No way this guy is overwhelming Itachi with such ease, what kind of genjutsu is this?" kisame Thought before turning to Guy who gave him a blow to the face sending kisame crashing through a boulder near by a bridge thus Kurenai and Asuma stood still with their eyes closed preventing themselves to be trapped in a genjutsu.

Kakashi and itachi were trading blows at equal. Itachi would only think. "what happened to Kakashi, he is more skilled  than Shisui?" Itachi vanishes into crows and appears besides Kakashi weaving hand signs.

"Fire style fire ball jutsu! " both Itachi and Kakashi yelled before breathing fire to each other as it becomes a collision.

Itachi's eye starts to bleed as his flames are Amped into dark flames but that's when things escalate when Kakashi appears out of a vortex with lightning sharp spear standing besides itachi who looked in shock before he gets his his body cut in half.

A shocked kisame would be shocked and confused after he recovered from the blow while might guy would charge at him with a killing blow which destroys he head only leaving a stump on his neck as he falls lifeless. Guy would shrug after looking at the blood on his hand after killing Kisame while Kakashi would look down on the corpse of itachi before it sinks to the lake.

Even if it was all over Kakashi had doubts on how exactly did he win so easily and how his Chakra did not drain after the usage of the sharingan.

"something is wrong and I can feel it." Kakashi thought

Naruto after observing everything would shrug a bit before vanishing

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