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And there are points in our lives when we felt heavy. We felt lost because are already at the point where we figure things out. We want to know which feathers we do really belong. Which train we should really ride.

We felt so exhausted and starts questioning our own capabilities and decisions. Maybe this all happens for majority of us specially when we are still taking  the first things that could probably offer huge impact in our lives. Perhaps, that thing is a major decision.

Nonetheless, if it feels like it'wrong; if the burden weighs more heavy to the point of destroying oneself, remember that it's okey to restart and be on another track. It is normal to be in "figuring things out" stage and you'll gonna found out you don't belong there. It's okey to seek to where it feels home. To where it feels like you are able to conquer things no matter how hard it is because you know you're meant to be there.

There is nothing wrong in restarting and it will never too late to start a new beginning.

You deserve to choose the path that helps you prioritize peace as you are chasing your goals and dreams. You deserve to choose the path that may not be easy at first, but always fuels you to be goal-driven because the universe itself told you that "you belong here".

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