I grab mine and wheel them over back into our room. I lift it up and place it onto my bed, opening it to grab a spare shirt that just says Dior on the front. It was not the same one I had the first day we came however it was practically the same thing but with sleeves.

I put on my outfit and fix my hair before going into the bathroom to fix anything else that looked out of place.

"Cute! Pose for the pic, Niko!" Ainisa says as she put her phone up and flashed her camera to take a picture of me. I put a boring peace sign up and walk over to Ainisa to see the picture.

"Cute! Don't post it though." I laugh, going over to my backpack that I had also packed with my computer and other random essentials. I grabbed my blue light glasses and laptop and walk back over to where Ainisa was.

"Ready? Let's go." Ainisa nods as we walk out of our shared bedroom. I gave Ainisa my computer for a second and went into Carmen's room to see her on the phone with who knows.

"Hey! What's up?" She asks, putting her hand over the speaker giving me a smile.

"We're gonna go over to Sam and Colby's for a while." I say as she just nods and goes back to talking with whoever was on the phone with her.

I walk back over to Ainisa and she hands me my computer and we leave the hotel room and knock on their door.

"Hi!!" Kat almost immediately opens the door which startles me. She lets us in and Sam and Colby were on the couch already watching TV.

"Let's take a picture!" Kat says as she lets us in and goes over to the mirror.

"Okay!" I smile, following her over to the fairly large mirror on the wall. I squat in front of Kat and Ainisa and pose for the picture.

"Cuteee!" "Post it!" Me and Ainisa say as Kat goes to the couch and sit next to Sam, me and Ainisa following behind her.

I plop down next to Colby and open my computer, Ainisa sitting on the other side of Kat.

"What are you working on?" Colby asks looking over at my computer.

"Hm? Oh nothing really, just emails." I sigh, opening up Gmail and looking through the thousands of spam emails and others about sponsorships and some orders conformations.

"God and I thought we got a lot of emails." Sam laughs passing behind me to grab a drink.

"It's a pain in the ass." I say moving my glasses to rub my eyes.

"I know how it is." Sam laughs. I lay my head back on the couch and almost fell asleep but something in my mind just wouldn't let me. Ainisa noticed I was slumped back on the couch.

"If you're tired go back to the room, Niko." Ainisa says, opening her drink and taking a sip.

"No, I'm fine." I say quietly and lifting my head back up then down to my computer, continuing to respond to emails.

After a long while of just talking and really bonding with my favorite people, slowly they all went to sleep.

Sam and Kat both being the first and leaving to go sleep in their shared bedroom then Ainisa went back to our hotel room.

I decided to just stay in the room with Colby and continue to do my work and look through and update my schedule while Colby watches TV and scrolls through his phone.

"Aren't you tired Colby?" I ask him looking up from my computer. I had turned to face him having my legs on top of his thighs.

"Not really, no. I've been having pretty bad insomnia lately. Are you not tired?" I shake my head and close my computer, rubbing my eyes and stretching my arms out.

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