chapter 10

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Before we can head inside the elevator and girl and her sister stops us asking for a picture.

"We literally love both of your channels and your guy's music! We came all the way from Arkansas to see you guys! Thank you!" They smile holding on to their phones for dear life, almost like the phone was going to run away.

"Thank you so much!" I smile at the girls as they wave at us and run happily away. I yawn and we make our way into the elevator.

We all squish into the elevator together, I was squished between Colby and Carmen on my right next to the buttons.

We make it to our floor and I push myself out of the smaller elevator. I already had a fear of elevators, let alone small places. I let out a harsh breath, almost tripping on the carpet.

"Are you okay?" Katrina laughs, grabbing my arm to keep me from falling.

"Yeah." I laugh as I get up. We start to follow Carmen, having no idea what number rooms are ours. We just admire the building itself while walking along the large and luxurious hallway.

"Hey, you know what I want to do?" I quietly ask Kat and Ainisa as we walk side by side. Kat just hums a response while Ainisa starts to giggle.

"Cooolb-" "Shut up Ainisa!" I quickly try to shut her up by punching her side. She winces and I continue to try to explain what I wanted to do.

"Wait! What do you mean "do" Col- WAIT. NIKO DO YOU LIKE-?"

"SHHHSHSHHH KAT." I slap my hand on her mouth as the rest of the group turns and put their fingers to their lips trying to get us to be quiet because there are obviously people in the rooms around us.

"Yes. Okay? I do." I whisper, slowly taking my hand off her mouth. I give an apologetic look to the rest of the group. Carmen just rolls her eyes and continues to walk ahead.

"Really?! Why haven't you told me this before??" Kat whisper yells and I sigh.

"Yes really, please keep it a secret Kat. And, you just had never asked." I say as we continue down the hallway.

"YES, I HAVE!" Kat whisper yells again, trying to be more considerate to the other people.

"No, you haven't." I chuckle, I mean not that I can remember. She just rolls her eyes and we continue to argue if she's asked about who I had a crush on.

"Okay fine, whatever. Maybe you have asked but just please don't tell him. Or anyone else, okay?" I plead to her. She just excitedly nods her head and I sigh knowing she won't keep it a secret for long.

As we walk along the hallway, the rooms got more and more stretched out until eventually we reach our rooms. Our doors being right next to each other but being stretched out either way.

"Holy shit. Are these it?" Sam asks, pulling out his key to the door and scanning it on the automatic scanner.

"Yep. Now please don't do anything crazy, it's almost 11pm and we have a flight tomorrow." Carmen smiles while opening the door and waking to her entirely separate room.

"Put your stuff away and put your pants on then come over to our room!" Kat says opening the door to their room but before they could even walk in the completely stop at the shear size of it. It wasn't nearly as big as the hotel room yesterday however it was similar.

I chuckle to myself about their reaction and I walk into the room behind Ainisa. We go into our shared bedroom and put our bags down on the bed, going back in to the living room just after to grab our suitcases which had been nicely tucked away in the corner of the the room.

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