chapter 2

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"Hi! We have a reservation under, Moreau."

Ainisa says as we get called up to the receptionist and she starts to type on her computer.

I look around for a moment admiring the building while Ainisa conversed with the receptionist. "Alright, you'll be on the 24th floor. The name of the suite is "Cynthia." The receptionist says as she hands Ainisa multiple keys in an envelope.

"Thank you!" Me and Ainisa say and we make our way out of the lobby through the casino to find the elevator lobby, admiring how expensive and extravagant the hotel is.

Through the heavy smell of cigarettes, we walk around trying to find the elevator as I felt a ping coming from my phone.

colby brock 🖤

hey, I found your number
turns out I already had it lol

"Ainisa. Ainisa look." I shake her shoulder aggressively, continuing to step into the elevator lobby.

"Damn bitch. What?" I shove my phone in her face and she grabs it so she can see the message. I walk over and press the button for the upper levels and come back to Ainisa scrolling through old texts between.

The elevator opens quickly and we step into it. Ainisa starts to smile maniacally and then starts to type. The door shuts slowly and I turn to see what Ainisa while she giggles.

"What? Why are you laughing? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? AINISA!" I try grabbing my phone but she moves it away and we  practically start to fight in the elevator.

"Stop fighting me, just let me do my magic."

"YOUR MAGIC IS GOING TO GET ME IN THE FREIND-ZONE, YOU WHORE." She just laughs and moves me away from the phone while still typing. I'm fighting for my life trying to get my phone back before Colby never speaks to me again.


A man stands in the doorway of the elevator.

Just starting at us with a blank expression.

I snatch my phone back and delete the paragraph confessing my love for Colby that Ainisa wrote while she just moves out of the way for the man.

"So, which floor." I awkwardly say putting my phone back into my pocket. "19."

We never ended up pressing the button to our floor so we had still been on the main level. I click the button for both the 19th and 24th floor and we start to go up.

In complete silence.

"Floor 19." The automated elevator system says. The man steps out of the elevator and as soon as it closes I hit Ainisa.

"Ow. You bitch." She says as she holds her head. I just scoff at her comment, continuing to go up to our floor. "I can't believe you almost sent that." I sighed and she chuckled while leaning back on the elevator wall.

While walking out of the elevator and walk down the fairly large and luxurious hallway, we scan the names on the rooms trying to find ours. While doing so, I realized I never actually responded to Colby. I just left him on read after typing for so long. Whoops.

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