"But why just Levi??" she demanded that night when Erwin informed her of his imminent departure. "I'm a Captain, too, and Hange! She's still recovering, but shouldn't I be going?"

"Petra, the Commander asked for Levi. Am I meant to question a direct order?" Erwin's stomach was tight as he spun his web, already desperate for the end of the conversation he'd only just begun.

"But I should be there! I'll come with you!"

"No," he said too hard. Then, regaining his control, "Petra, will you just trust me?"

He realized it was a poor sell the moment it left his lips. Her face hardened steely. "Yeah, because you've been so trustworthy lately."

She stalked from the bedroom and Erwin exhaled, already worn out but determined to pack without her witness. Minutes later she barged back in, looking considerably more unraveled.

"Actually – I wasn't going to say anything about this because I thought it was ridiculous, but I am now."

His heart tripped into a silent run. "Oh?"

"The cadets were joking that Sasha saw you and Levi together in your office. Saw you kissing."

"What?" said Erwin, evenly though his mind had split into frenzy.

Petra shook her head as though not entirely convinced, but still she pressed on. "She said she saw you through the window when she was behind the building. I guess she – hides extra food or something back there." She rolled her eyes, flustered.

"That's preposterous," Erwin said, his voice rising against his will. "That is an absurd accusation!"

"Why are you yelling?!"

"Because we're officers of the military! Rumours like this are grounds for insubordination!" He felt sweat beading over his forehead, his skin blistering. "It's slander, Petra!"

"How am I slandering Levi??" she stabbed back. "Everyone knows he's gay, no one cares!"

Erwin couldn't think of a way to reply and so just stood there, frozen with fury and fear.

"Forget it," she snapped. "Enjoy your trip. But watch that Levi doesn't catch you with your homophobia out." She slammed the bedroom door behind her, and Erwin fell against the dresser, his hands shaking.

This was getting dangerous, he thought, for a moment covering his face in his hands. Vowing to be more careful in future, he dropped them and returned to packing, grateful it was only Sasha who had seen them. A more reliable cadet could have ruined him.

He and Levi left the following morning just after breakfast. Despite her upset, Petra still came outside to see Erwin off, and he leaned down from his horse to give her an obligated kiss, feeling ill as Levi turned his face away. She watched them ride away up the ridge for some time before turning to go back indoors, but still they waited until we were far out of sight before tying the horses near a groundwater spring and falling to the grass together with their mouths fighting for more. They stroked their desires together, gripped close in in a fevered crush until they both came, spilling sticky and white onto the ground. Erwin wanted him again immediately, but Levi reminded him that the only true part of this trip was his appointment with Pixis and so he ought to keep it. Reluctantly they re-mounted the horses and rode on side-by-side, holding each other by fingers until they came within sight of Wall Sina and Erwin dropped his hand away.

Rather than using his reserved quarters in the Mitras Palace, Erwin had made a booking at a nearby hotel, paying for a second room that they would never use to keep up appearances. Leaving the horses with the attached stable, they went upstairs to the room and quickly changed into their official garb. Over the journey Erwin had settled on bringing Levi with him to the meeting, mainly because he couldn't stand the idea of spending a solitary moment without him while they had the chance. Levi was unbearably handsome in his ceremonial uniform, the belt over his long coat framing his narrow form exquisite.

Dear courageous (Eruri, Erwin x Levi) EXPLICIT Where stories live. Discover now