Meeting and Family

Start from the beginning

Meggy: Haha! Gotcha!

She threw the controller down as the victory sign flashed on screen, before turning around to see Tari.

Meggy: Oh, hey Ta-

Tari quickly stood straight with a salute.

Tari: Tari reporting for Duty Mr Meg-I mean-!

Meggy: HEHEHE! Cmon, I was just messing with you yesterday. Belle's one of the best, I had to look intimidating.

Tari: Oh...whew...that's a huge weight off my shoulders.

Meggy: Sorry, let's start over. Im Meggy, Meggy Splezter.

She offered a handshake, Tari greeting it.

Tari: Im Tari. Just...Tari.

Meggy: Okay "Just Tari", let's see what you can do!

She tosses Tari a controller, stumbling to catch it. She sat down by her on the couch area as the screen flashed the name of the next game.

Meggy shot Tari a mischievous grin, Making Tari happy. It was nice to know she could have fun with at least one person here.

Meggy: You ready to lose?

Tari: Heh, I could say the same to you.


Over the next few months, She and Meggy grew to be close friends as Meggy helped Tari train for all the possible games she was set to play in her upcoming matches.

Meggy even managed to get a talk with Lucks and Belle, giving her extended training sessions to help "hone her skills". In reality though, Half that time would be spent just talking and making jokes.

Until one day, the joking came to a stop.

Meggy tossed Tari a drink as they got to chatting.

Tari: So, when did you decide to become a runner?

Meggy: Well, i think it started back when I was a little girl. I saw all these super famous people plastered on build boards and I kinda fell in love with the sport.

Tari: Is that how you got here?

Meggy: Kinda. I mean, I was the best among all the newbies since I'd been training for years. But the real thing happened when 2 of the runners dropped out of nowhere, then I got launched up to the middle class.

Tari: Dropped out?

Meggy: Yeah, they just...left. One left, I think his name was...Masa?

Tari's eyes flashed, remembering Masa's screams as Lucks shot off his arm.

Meggy: Then their was this other girl. I can't remember the name, but I think she was in some sort of accident because one of the labs has been sanctioned off.

Tari had flashes again, recalling the images of the lab accident she'd seen...

Tari: T-the lab...

Meggy: Hey Tari, you okay?

Tari looked up, seeing Meggy looking concerned.

Tari: Y-yeah, I'm fine.

Meggy: You sure? You look like you've seen a ghost-

Meggy went to try and put a hand on Tari's shoulder, but Tari moved on instinct as she grabbed Meggy's arm and held it back.

Unfortunately, they both used their Meta arms.

Flashes in their Memory both appeared, eyes going agape. Meggy saw Tari meeting Theo, meeting MD-5, their plan failing and ending with Masa losing an arm and Tari being taken in to save her friends.

Captive heart: A Meta Meggy storyWhere stories live. Discover now