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Jay awoke to the smell of freshly brewed tea.  He stretched, letting loose all the kinks that accumulated while sleeping on the floor.

He sat up, groggily rubbing his eyes as he watched Nya sit cross legged on top of the futon. Her hair was tied neatly behind her head, strands falling loosely around her face. She wore a simple white tank top and black yoga pants, bare feet tucked underneath her knees.

For a second, he forgot where he was, staring at her in awe. She was beautiful.

"Morning sleepyhead," she greeted as she poured steaming liquid into two cups.

"Mornin'" he replied with a lazy yawn.

"Here you go," she offered as she handed him his cup.

"Thanks," he mumbled, taking a sip.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, enjoying their tea in relative peace.  Then the quiet became unbearable.

"Um, hey." Jay coughed awkwardly.

Nya looked away, biting her lip.  Was she nervous?  What could possibly be so scary about asking her if she slept okay?

Jay took a deep breath and blurted out, "Did you have any trouble sleeping?"

"Yes," Nya answered immediately.

Jay's mouth fell open. "Oh, sorry. Did I zap you?"

Nya shifted uncomfortably as she fidgeted with the strap of her tank top. "No, well, I don't think so."

Jay stared at her blankly, waiting for further explanation.

"I was kinda distracted," she admitted sheepishly.

Oh yeah. That makes sense.

There was still a lot of tension between them.  It seemed to permeate every conversation and interaction they had.

"Sorry," he scratched the back of his head, his nerves a jumbled mess, "The situation couldn't be helped."  He felt bad, but also embarrassed.  Why did he feel like such a jerk when he was simply being honest?

She gave a soft chuckle, shaking her head.  "Don't worry about it. I'm used to it. When we are on missions, sometimes things don't go as planned."

It was hard to argue against that logic.  And it sounded like she meant it.

"Okay," Jay nodded, giving a small grin. "So . . ." He paused, unsure how to continue the conversation.


"Do you remember what we talked about last night? About sharing the bed?"

Nya leaned forward slightly, resting her chin on her hands. Her gaze remained fixed on his. "Yes. Do you?"

"Ya, sort of."

"Then tell me what happened after that."

Jay gulped down some tea and shook his head, unable to find the words to express everything he wanted to say.

"Why don't we start with the good parts?" she suggested lightly, shifting onto her side facing him.

He exhaled heavily and closed his eyes, trying desperately to collect his thoughts. They had spent nearly four hours talking last night, discussing everything from their past relationships, family history, favorite foods, and hobbies.

But most importantly, they discussed their fears. Their biggest regrets and dreams for the future.

When he opened his eyes and glanced over at her, she was watching him intently.  For a split second, he thought she may have been looking for signs of deception in his expression, but he knew better than to play games with her.

Finally he spoke softly, keeping his voice low enough that it wouldn't carry beyond their heads.  "You're really pretty."

She grinned widely and blushed deeply, turning her face away.

"Really? Thank you!" she exclaimed happily, leaning in closer.

That was the signal for him to lean in too, and he complied without hesitation.

Their faces were inches apart, noses touching gently as they continued speaking quietly.  "Your hair is amazing, like a waterfall of black golden silk," he whispered reverently.

Nya giggled and reached up to run her fingertips through his locks.  "Thank you. Yours looks nice too."

He tilted his head back and forth experimentally, admiring the smoothness of her skin.  "Mine feels like hay," he confessed ruefully.

"Hahaha! I love hay," she laughed, kissing his cheek tenderly.

"I like yours too though," he added with a shy smirk.

"I know."

As their lips met, Jay froze, unsure whether to pull back or deepen the kiss.

With great effort, he pulled back ever so slightly. He couldn't help but stare into her eyes.  The color was mesmerizing, dark brown flecked with gold, like molten chocolate melting in a pan.

Slowly he brought his left hand to her waist and held her close.  His right hand slid beneath her shirt and stroked her stomach lovingly.

Nya gasped and pressed herself harder into his touch. Her heart hammered loudly in her chest. This was exactly what she needed. Something real and tangible.

Without breaking eye contact, Jay lowered his head until their foreheads touched, then he kissed her passionately.  His lips parted hers, allowing access to explore her sweet taste.  Nya moaned softly in response, pressing her body tighter against his.
Her breathing quickened as Jay's tongue caressed hers, teasing and tasting her like an ice cream cone dipped in hot sauce.

His free hand slipped up to her breast, kneading gently while buzzing with electricity.  Nya whimpered, arching her back as pleasure coursed through her veins.

This was new territory for both of them.  But it felt familiar somehow. Like a dream come true.  Everything clicked into place in a way it never had before.

He lifted his head reluctantly, sucking in a sharp breath.  Nya followed suit, panting heavily as she tried to catch her breath.

"Wow," she breathed out hoarsely, smiling weakly at him.

"Yeah," he agreed with a nod. "Are you okay? You look flushed."

"I am now," she chuckled. "How 'bout you?"

"Me too."

Both of them sat there silently for a minute, savoring the memory.

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