A normal day

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Warning characters might be OOC also sorry in advance if I don't update it on a regular schedule

It was a normal day for Nami she woke up at sunrise so she could help her family with their chores cleaning the stable feeding the animals and watering the crops. overall so far it was a normal Monday morning "Ugh I finally got my chores done and by the smell of it mom has just finished breakfast"

Nami sighed she didn't like mornings since they interrupted her "beauty sleep" as she called it which always made her mother chuckle, Nami was a beautiful young girl in her 20's with short orange hair beautiful brown eyes, a slim figure and a bit of muscle thanks to her daily routine overall nami was a natural beauty that always to her irritation caught the eyes of pigs as she called them to try and seduce her which thanx to her mother being an ex-marine let's just say she knew a good way to scare them off if they decided to try anything.

"Hey mom" she called " what's for breakfast because I'm starving" nami groaned

"hi sweetheart and sorry breakfast is going to be a bit later than usual since we haven't got many ingredients leftover" Bellmear apologised"

nami pulled a face decided that she would just have a coffee for today and go down to the library to meet her good friend robin after since the library always calmed her down.

Nojiko nami's older sister came in a couple of minutes later asking the same question as nami and receiving the same answer

"argh" she groaned "how am I meant to function without a great breakfast after I did my chores"

she received an apologetic smile from her mother, after a couple of minutes bellmear had finally set the table and called for breakfast a lovely porridge with honey not what the sisters were used to but something they didn't complain about so they didn't end up having to do double chores tomorrow.

It was quiet for a short while before they broke out into their usual gossip about the town and events but one caught nami by surprise and shock when she heard that the east blue champion and local douchebag was being challenged by an up-and-coming rookie for his MMA championship something that normally meant they would be beaten and unrecognisable by the end of round one or would have been paid off by arlong and his gang.

"What's the pore bastards name" nami questioned her sister" nojiko chuckled "his name is monkey d Luffy and is only 19 but he has an interesting history, I did a bit of research and he has a decent fight record he has 3 wins all by ko and in the first round"

nojiko announced this getting nami's curiosity causing her to ask who his former opponents were "buggy the clown ranked number 15 on the leaderboard he took on a man named kuro who was ranked number 6 and only last month he beat don Kriege who was the number 1 who was meant to compete against arlong if he hadn't of lost the spot to the rookie who is being trained by a former pro called Silvers Rayleigh",Nojiko informed "it's all over social media look"

and the family just watched one in shock, one in curiosity but there was one redhead who just couldn't stop looking and admiring the skinny but well-built frame of the black scruffy haired younger teen with a small cut under his eye and a giant x scar on his chest that didn't help but get nami's attention and as soon as the bell was rung they watched the self pre claimed world strongest man gets beaten and ko after Luffy hit him with a roundhouse rocking him and without hesitation giving him a monstrous right hook ending the fight with still a minute to spare in the 2 minutes round and winning in just one round like nojiko had said.

"It seems Arlong might have met his match" chuckled bellmear "hey Nami question what did you like watching more the fight or fighter himself" Nojiko teased after noticing where her gaze was the entire time earning her a stuttering and blushing nami and a small scolding from bellmear about not teasing her sister.

After that dinner continued as normal but nami kept on having the small thoughts that maybe this time she can watch the scumbag who threatened to kill her mother 2 years ago finally get what he deserves and if she was lucky she be able to meet the said man before the fight.

All that thinking led nami to ask "where is the fight taking place" nojiko offered a teasing smile but answered with a simple but curious look "it's happening at the sports centre just down the road, who knows maybe if you look hard enough you might get to catch your Prince Charming working out" and that lead to an embarrassed nami on the outside but a hopeful and cheerful one on the inside that she thought "maybe I will go see if he has arrived with robin later today".

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