"Where is she?" He heard Evan shouted.

He ran out and tried to calm down the raging man and said, "She caught a cold  I know you want to use her more and it wouldn't  be good if she was sick so I cleaned her up and let her rest."

"Never take her away without my permission," seethed Evan before grabbing his keys and leaving.

"Thank goodness," he said as he watches Evans leave the facility.

He grabbed a fruit smoothie that was in the fridge and brought it to the room when he saw that she was awake. Upon seeing the male Genevieve tried to run away but he slowly approached her trying to calm her down.

"Hey hey I won't hurt you so please don't feel scared. I don't think you can eat anything solid at the moment so I brought you a fruit smoothie to help with the hunger," he said.

 I don't think you can eat anything solid at the moment so I brought you a fruit smoothie to help with the hunger," he said

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Genevieve reluctantly took it and drank some when she realized it tasted delicious. Wes touched her forehead and saw that she has a fever.

"You have a fever so when your finished you can just place the cup down and get some rest," he said.

"Please get me out of here," she begged.

"I will try my best," he replied as she placed the cup down and lied down drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Call Stefan and Damon," she said before falling unconscious.

Wes rushed to check if she was okay when he saw that she was only sleeping. He sighed in relief when he heard a cough and saw Dr Evans.

'Oh I hope he didn't hear,' prayed Wes.

Evan ignored him and took out a syringe injecting her with some unknown liquid.

"What's that?" Wes asked.

"Vampire blood mixed with werewolf venom," Evan answered.

"Where did you get the werewolf venom," Wes asked bit Evan only walked away ignoring him.Evan left to go to one of the bars hoping to get laid as he wanted to let off some steam and see what the ladies of this planet had to offer hopefully something exciting.

The Scooby Doo gang except Elena and the Mikaelsons arrived outside the school when they spotted the male leaving the house.

"Why would she be here?" Caroline asked.

"I don't know but according to the spell and the map in front of us it says she's here more specifically over there," said Bonnie as she pointed to the building that Evan just left from.

"Ok let's go," said Damon as he and Kol left the car and tried to enter only to be burned by vervain.

"New plan," said Damon looking at everyone.

Meanwhile in the same area that Genevieve landed stood a family consisting of five females and two males. The ones that stood out were the leader Yolanda and her daughter Annalysse who both had firey red hair.

"She arrived here," said Yolanda.

"She was taken west Chief," said Eric.

"Will we find her mother?" Annalysse asked.

"Of course darling," Yolanda answered as the group set off to find Genevieve.

"Of course darling," Yolanda answered as the group set off to find Genevieve

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