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It'd been about a week since I'd sprained my finger and honestly, I was over it. It was Friday, and I was sitting watching soccer practice with my arms crossed in an old multiplier hoodie. "I see you're still struggling with being sidelined," I hear a familiar voice once again I think it's Dash but instead I'm faced with Dashiell and I shake my head trying to get the voice out of my head. "I miss my routine," I say staring back at the field Dashiell sits beside me and watches with me. "What are you doing here?" I ask Dashiell unsure of his reasoning, because before the Monday before last he'd never been at a single practice.

"I just think we've misunderstood one another for a long time," he tells me and I furrow my brows unsure of what to think. "Okay? Why all of a sudden do you care about that?" I ask him finally turning to look at him, and I'm shocked at how close he is. I feel taken aback by the new appearance, he's the same, but this close he looks different. I can see that all his childhood freckles hadn't faded in and that he had the slightest tan from some kind of glasses. His bright blue eyes have small flecks of green and I feel my heart beat pick up. 

"I just think we should put this behind us," Dashiell tells me putting his hand on mine. "Dashiell, I'm all for putting this behind us, but I'm seeing someone," I told him pulling my hand away and he smiles "I understand," he tells me with a genuine smile.

It was weird after that, why was Dashiell all of a sudden wanting to bury the hatchet? I could remember the second year of junior high, and I wanted to give him a Valentine. Instead, I yelled at him because all the other girls in our class were doing the same thing. I think of Dashiell for a long time trying to figure out what was going on. I guess it really doesn't matter, my life will be better off not arguing with Dashiell. I went on throughout the day like normal, but every time I'd see him I'd want to talk to him, but what could I say?

All these years I'd spent arguing to have an excuse, and now we weren't doing that. Savannah get a hold of yourself! You like Dash, not Dashiell, Dashiell and you have argued for years, you can't stand him. Dash is a super someone you can count on. My head was spinning, I steal a glance at Dashiell to see he was typing on his phone. It's just Dashiell, the same guy you've known since Junior High. The day went by in a blur after that normal, and when I got home I found a message on the hideout computer. I spent a lot of time in the hideout, really for no reason. Even if an alert came I couldn't go to anyone's rescue. On Double's Instagram, there was a message from Dash.

TheDash- I need to see you

DoubleTrouble- okay, are you alright?

TheDash- I'm fine I just need to talk to you. I want to meet somewhere more secluded... What I want to talk about is better discussed behind closed doors.

DoubleTrouble- Okay... Any ideas?

TheDash- My dad's hideout, sending the coordinate now.

DoubleTrouble- Dash, I need confirmation this is you. This whole message exchange is coming across as a little sketchy.

TheDash- The reason I don't fight with my family anymore is that I wanted to play by my own rules, and I wanted to prove myself on my own.

DoubleTrouble- When do you want to meet?

TheDash- Are you free now?

DoubleTrouble- On my way.

I felt on edge, this was weird. The Dash never really talked like this, was he okay? Was this a trap? Did he want to end our relationship before I even know if we were in a relationship? I shake all thoughts out of my head and change. I wanted to get there quickly, so I took my shoot. A shoot system spread all over the city to get me somewhere in a hurry. It was my dad's and now it's mine, when the shoot slows I step out and lift open the subway hatch. 

Nerves flood my system as I follow Dash's instructions to enter Mr. Incredible's secret hideout. Once I'm in I feel like an invader, but when I see Dash's red suit pacing the floor I feel better about the situation. I clear my throat to alert him of my presence and when he looks at me with his usual smile I feel my nerves begin to fall away. He sweeps me into a sweet hug and I smile "I was worried that something was wrong when you messaged me," I told him pulling away slightly but still keeping my arms around his neck.

"Well, I need to talk to you because I've been holding in a secret, and I think it's time I tell you," he confesses and pulls back slightly.

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